Join the Mythopoeic Society

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Contact the Mythopoeic Society.
Individual Membership Options
Membership includes Mythprint, our quarterly news & reviews publication. Membership with Mythprint delivered electronically as a PDF is $15.00 annually, anywhere in the world. If you want a printed copy of Mythprint mailed to you, please select your location to determine cost. To subscribe to Mythlore or The Mythic Circle, please follow the links or visit our Publications page and remember, society members get discounts on subscriptions and Mythcon registration.Multiple people within the same household may join the Society for a reduced fee; they won't receive a second (or third, etc.) copy of Mythprint but they will receive the discounts which go along with membership. Additional member details below. The Mythopoeic Society also offers Lifetime Memberships for dedicated enthusiasts. The price varies by the age of the member; please see pricing, below.
Please note: if you don't wish to use PayPal you may also join the Mythopoeic Society by using the membership application (PDF - please download and print out) to specify your selection and mail us a check for the appropriate amount. Please be sure to include your mailing and email addresses and whether or not you wish to be included in the Members Directory.
The Mythopoeic Society
Box 6707
Altadena CA 91003-6707
Please visit the Mythopoeic Society Store to see other items we sell.
Individual Memberships, annual
One year with electronic Mythprint (PDF): $15.00
One year with Mythprint mailed in the USA: $30.00
One year with Mythprint mailed in Canada/Mexico: $35.00
One year with Mythprint mailed outside North America: $45.00
One year with Mythprint mailed in the USA: $30.00
One year with Mythprint mailed in Canada/Mexico: $35.00
One year with Mythprint mailed outside North America: $45.00
Additional Members, same household
Additional members at same household: $5.00
(no additional copy/copies of Mythprint)
(no additional copy/copies of Mythprint)
Lifetime Memberships
Lifetime memberships are for those who have decided that they want to continue as members of the Mythopoeic Society without the bother of annual renewals and who wish to be of general benefit to the society. Lifetime membership in the Society is non-transferable and includes the society’s newsletter, Mythprint, in whatever format it is published, or in the choice of format, if multiple formats are available to members. If you want Mythprint mailed to you, please specify in the "notes to seller" option within PayPal.
NEW! As of November 2017, Lifetime Members will also receive the electronic version of the society’s journal, Mythlore. Those who want the print version of Mythlore will still need to subscribe.
Lifetime Membership within the USA, under 50 years of age: $500.00
Lifetime Membership within the USA, 50-59 years of age: $375.00
Lifetime Membership within the USA, 60-plus years of age: $250.00
Additional Lifetime Members, same household
Lifetime memberships can be purchased for additional people in the same household. The price for the primary membership for the household is based on the age of the youngest member:
Additional Lifetime Membership within the same household in the USA, under 50 years of age: $100.00
Additional Lifetime Membership within the same household in the USA, from 50-59 years of age: $75.00
Additional Lifetime Membership within the same household in the USA, over 60 years of age: $50.00
Additional Lifetime Membership within the same household in the USA, from 50-59 years of age: $75.00
Additional Lifetime Membership within the same household in the USA, over 60 years of age: $50.00