Many Mythopoeic Society members have set up their own web sites; as a benefit of membership, we offer links on this page to the personal web sites of our members. We hope this list of links will help Mythopoeic Society members meet and communicate with each other, exchange information, and share interests and activities.
These links must reference personal pages, not stores or commercial businesses. The Mythopoeic Society disavows any knowledge or implied endorsement of what its members are up to.
If you are interested in being included, please send your web site address and a brief description (one or two sentences) via email to
Note that we have a separate page for members who are no longer living. See our In Memoriam page for them.
Sarah Beach: ScribblerWorksLongtime MythSoc member (since around 1974) Sarah Beach, has built her website as something like an online magazine (with irregular updates, alas). Her main interest is on writing, but in particular writing about the fantastical in all its forms. You can even find some of her old Mythlore material posted on the site.
- David Bratman is a long-time Mythopoeic Society member, serving many years on the Council of Stewards, both as editor of Mythprint and later as Secretary (Steward) for Mythopoeic Conferences. His blog can be found here.
Margaret Carter: Carter’s CryptMargaret Carter is a horror, fantasy, and paranormal romance novelist. At her site, you can find information about her published works, the discontinued fanzine The Vampires’s Crypt (all issues still available), and also links to other horror and fantasy literature.
- Professional home page for Janet Croft, with information on research projects, curriculum vita, and links for personal interests.
- This is a professional homepage for Dr. Leslie A. Donovan, with information on her current research, publications, courses taught, and professional service activities.
Susan Dorman: Do I Like Free Will?Susan Dorman, creative writer a.k.a. S. Dorman, regularly posts at the substack "Do I Like Free Will?".
Eleanor Farrell: moonsong.usEleanor Farrell’s personal web site features her professional portfolio, as well as articles on fantasy literature, eclectic forays into film and costume, Action Chick Dioramas, and other esoteric matters.
Christopher Gilson: EldalamberonChristopher Gilson is the editor and publisher of the journal Parma Eldalamberon ... The Book of Elven-tongues (a project of the Elvish Linguistic Fellowship), which focuses on presenting J.R.R. Tolkien’s unpublished writings on the languages of Middle-earth.
- Diana Glyer is the author of The Company They Keep: C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien as Writers in Community. The site features a comprehensive list of books about Lewis, student reviews of books about Tolkien, and a growing list of essays that compare and contrast Lewis and Tolkien and their work.
- The web site of these two noted Tolkien scholars contains information about their books (J.R.R. Tolkien: Artist & Illustrator, etc.), their future projects, and the magazine The Tolkien Collector, as well as links to sites of personal interest.
- Teacher and author of a Tolkien/Lewis/MacDonald inspired fantasy series called The Emblem & The Lantern, available on his website. Dylan also founded a Tolkien club just south of Atlanta Georgia called Remmirath Fellowship.
- The home page of Lynn Maudlin, singer-songwriter, film producer, pirate queen and former Steward for Mythopoeic Conferences for the Society. Lynn co-founded The Mythic Circle with Sherwood Smith, and served two separate multi-year terms on the Mythopoeic Society’s board of directors.
- Author of a Tolkien-influenced fantasy series. Psychotherapist with special interest in meanings of fantasy and imagination.
- J. J. Schultz II’s personal web site has a unique Tolkienesque graphic. He has enjoyed J.R.R.Tolkien’s milieu and works since the mid-70’s.
- Fantasy writer and longtime Society member Sherwood Smith’s personal web site contains a discussion of writing, reading, favorite books, and some examples of her fiction.
- Joan Marie Verba’s web site has a link to her FTL Publications, featuring items for those interested in reading or writing science fiction or fantasy, plus items of interest for Star Trek fans.
- This site contains information on the classes I teach at Toccoa Falls College, essays and other resources (many of which will be of interest to students of the Inklings), sermons, and information about my books. Updated weekly (usually).
- Professional home page for Dennis Wise, an active and award-winning scholar in fantasy, science fiction, and modern alliterative poetry.