Mythcon 31 - August 18-21, 2000

Mythcon 31
Myth and Legend of the Pacific
Kilauea Military Camp
Volcano, Island of Hawai'i, Hawai'i
August 18-21, 2000
Volcano, Island of Hawai'i, Hawai'i
August 18-21, 2000
Mythcon 31 Photo Gallery
Thanks to Carl Hostetter, Rebecca Umland, Bonnie Callahan, Ed & Heather Hollmann, Lynn Maudlin and David Bratman for sending their photos for our Mythcon 31 gallery. (Please do not reproduce without the permission of the photographers and Mythcon 31 committee.)
Chanter Canda Bloir
Mythcon attendees at the Caldera
Eleanor Farrell Mythopoeic Society President
Debby Jones, Founder of Sammath Naur
Steven Goldsberry, Guest of Honor
Pacific Island Storytelling
"Woman Heroes in Fantasy" Panelists Ken Burtness, Melisa Michaels, Mary Kay Kare and Ui Goldsberry
Myth through Puppetry with Ken Burtness
Diana and Mike Glyer
Erin Hollmann, Claire Lenander, John Umland, Autumn Rauscher
Heather Hollmann, Sam and Rebecca Umland
Ui and Steven Goldsberry display the ceremonial food sculpture
Mooey the Demigod
Mythopoeic Awards Administrator Eleanor Farrell with statuette facsimile
Opening Ceremonies


Mythcon 31 Banquet