Mythcon 52
The Mythic, the Fantastic, and the Alien
Albuquerque, New Mexico
July 29 - August 1, 2022
July 29 - August 1, 2022
Mythcon 52 main page
Registration page
Papers and Presentations
Here's a taste of the papers and panels we'll have at this year's Mythcon:
Papers:- Lawrence Santiago, “Clinical Analysis of a Hobbit Afflicted with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment”
- Sarah Beach, “A Wrinkle in Fate: The Mythic Implications of Whatsit, Who and Which in A Wrinkle in Time”
- Megan Abrahamson, “'Long Dark Hair in Great Plaits Braided with Gold': Black Fingon and Racebending in Transformative Tolkien Fanworks”
- Janet Brennan Croft and David Emerson, “While the Storyteller Speaks: Two Papers Applying Tolkienian Concepts to The Grateful Dead”
- Vicki Ronn, “What if There Isn’t a Train Wreck? Surviving Portal Worlds in the Works of Seanan McGuire”
- John Rosegrant, “Tolkien’s Monsters: Alien and Inside”
- Willow Dipasquale, “Philip K. Dick’s Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep: environmental crises, consumerism-driven culture, and a society desperate for emotional connection”
- Carly Maris, “Romans as the Alien Other in Cleopatra in Space”
- Matthew Goodwin, “The Space Alien as a Multitude in Latinx Science Fiction”
- Dr. Christopher J V Loughlin, “'The most precious of all things is life itself — ultimate cost for perfect value': The Alien and the Struggle of Life and Death in Starship Troopers”
- Craig Boyd, “Mythopoeic Character and Moral Realism: Gollum as Familiar ‘Alien’ and (im)Moral Exemplar”
- Donald T. Williams, “A Far Green Country: The Eschatology of Tolkien’s Middle-earth”
- Anne Acker, “Something Which Ought to be Done When All Else Fails: The Experiential Education of Arthur in The Once and Future King”
- Romuald I. Lakowski, “Tolkien's Undragons: The Winged Steeds of the Ringwraiths”
- Daniel Viorica, “Crossings in Mist: Kantian transformations in The Lathe of Heaven”
- Alicia Fox-Lenz, “The Radiant Wyrm: Planting the Seeds of Mythopoeia in Hollow Knight”
- Journee Cotton, “The Environmental Bioethics of Space Travel: ‘Alien’ Bodies in C. S. Lewis’s Cosmic Trilogy”
- Amber Lehning, “Bertilak, Britomart, and Bombadil Walk into a Bar: Nature as Ambiguous Other in Tolkien’s England”
- Rob Stauffer, “An Astronomical Breakdown of David Lindsay’s A Voyage to Arcturus”
- Robin Anne Reid, “Let’s start with the end of the world, why don’t we? The Disorienting Phenomenology of N. K. Jemisin’s The Stone Sky”
- Michael Torregrossa, “ET Phone Camelot: Alien Life Forms in Arthurian Fiction”
- Joe Christopher, “The Transformations of Rabadash”
- Hadas Elber-Aviram, “Modern myth-making: Secondary World London in Neverwhere”
- Joseph Rex Young, “Hopeless Romantic; Sublime Impact in H.P. Lovecraft’s Innsmouth”
- Sultana Raza, “Common Elements in YA Mythic Portal Fantasies”
- Scott Hodgman, “Legends and Shadows: The Seen and Unseen Worlds of J.R.R. Tolkien”
- Mackenzie Hilton, “From Δικη to Tom Bombadil: Tolkien’s Portrayal of Justice in The Lord of the Rings”
- Cami D. Agan, “Beyond the Borders of Memory: First Age Beleriand as Catastrophic Loss”
- Dr. Rebecca Umland, “Strange Faces, Other Minds: Tennyson’s Idylls of the King and the Alien Other”
- Tim Lenz, Alicia Fox-Lenz, Grace Moone, Pablo Guss: The Rings of Power Book Club: Seduction, Knowledge, and Metallurgy in the Second Age of Middle-earth & Open Discussion on The Peoples of Middle-earth: Tar-Elmar
- Eric Rauscher: Charles Williams poetry workshop
- Megan B. Abrahamson (moderator), Jessica Dickinson Goodman, Grace E. Moone, Jana Stone: “Queer Encounters of the Third Kind: The Alien Metaphor in Roswell, New Mexico”:
- Berni Phillips Bratman, Lynn Maudlin: Encanto Discussion
- Joseph Rex Young, Phillip Fitzsimmons, Bernadette Bosky: “Aliens in America: H. P. Lovecraft’s Experiments in Invasion Fantasy”
- Rivera Sun: Writing Mythopoeia For Social Justice
- Victoria Gaydosik, Phillip Fitzsimmons, Diane Fitzsimmons, Nolan Meditz, Ben Dressler: “Establishing a Chapter and Finding a Purpose: The Writers of the Rohirrim Discover Themselves”
- Lynn Maudlin, David Bratman, Lisa Deutsch Harrigan: Mythcon Memories
- David Bratman, Janet Brennan Croft, Jason Fisher, Robin Anne Reid: Aliens and Others in the Inklings
Content copyright 1967- The Mythopoeic Society All rights reserved.