Mythcon 23 - August 17-24, 1992

Tolkien Centenary Conference

Mythcon 23, in conjunction with The Tolkien Society
The J.R.R. Tolkien Centenary Conference

Keble College
Oxford, England
August 17-24, 1992

The J.R.R. Tolkien Centenary Conference

Papers and Program

To celebrate the centenary of the birth of John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, the Mythopoeic Society joined with the Tolkien Society (England) to hold a week-long conference at Keble College in Oxford, England, full of papers, talks, and special events. More than four years of planning was required to put on a truly once-in-a-lifetime event. Sixteen special guests were in attendance, including Christopher, John, and Priscilla Tolkien. Tolkien scholars came from all over the world to participate in the conference.
Tolkien Centenary Conference Souvenir Book
Special events included a private opening night party at Blackwell's Bookshop on Broad Street, a talk given inside the Oxford University Natural History Museum, and a talk by Christopher Tolkien at the Sheldonian Theatre.

For many years, the Mythopoeic Society has referred visitors to the official Tolkien Centenary Conference site, part of The Tolkien Society's website. Unfortunately, the TS rebuilt their website several years ago and historic portions of the site have not been rebuilt yet. When the official page is once again available it will be linked from this page.

Christina Scull and Pat Reynolds co-chaired the conference. Lynn Maudlin served as North American Booking Officer. Patrick Wynne designed the souvenir program book cover, which was edited by Wayne Hammond.

The Proceedings of the Tolkien Centenary Conference were jointly published as Mythlore 80 and Mallorn 30, co-edited by Glen GoodKnight of the Mythopoeic Society and Pat Reynolds of the Tolkien Society. Electronic (PDF) or print-on-demand paperback editions are available for purchase here.

Contents copyright 1967- The Mythopoeic Society All rights reserved.