Mythcon 33 - July 26-29, 2002

Mythcon 33
A Midsummer Night's Dream:
Shakespeare and Fantasy
Boulder Ramada Inn
Boulder, Colorado
July 26-29, 2002
Boulder, Colorado
July 26-29, 2002
A Midsummer Night's Dream:
Shakespeare and Fantasy
The conference will focus on both fantastic elements in Shakespeare and Shakespeare’s influence on fantasy literature. A second theme will be the
Society’s influence on Mythopoeic scholarship. The usual blend of the scholarly (papers, panels, keynote addresses) will be accompanied by seasoned
Mythcon traditions (masquerade, banquet, Golfimbul, the Not-Ready-for-Mythcon Players). We will divide our time between the air-conditioned, modern
comfort of the Boulder Ramada Inn and the outdoor charm of the Colorado Shakespeare Festival’s Mary Rippon Theatre, where offerings will include
A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Macbeth. The Legacy of The Lord of the Rings, a 60 minute documentary produced by Dan Timmons, will be premiered at
Mythcon 33. Many people from the Mythopoeic Society are featured in the documentary, and some of the footage was shot at last year’s Mythcon.
Sarah A. Hoyt, author of Ill Met by Moonlight, will be joining us and reading from her work. Papers, panels, art show and dealer’s room will be a
t the Ramada. The Mythopoeic Awards will be presented at the annual banquet Sunday evening.
Connie Willis is a prolific science fiction writer, the winner of six Nebulas, six Hugos, and numerous other awards; she is the first author to win both the Nebula and Hugo in all four fiction categories. Ms. Willis once said in an interview, "I think every writer creates a world that exists only in the pages of his book ... literary worlds are more real ... sort of hyper-real."
Alexei Kondratiev is a Celtic scholar and linguist as well as a long-time member of the Mythopoeic Society. Since 1984 he has taught Irish at the Irish Arts Centre in New York as well as teaching courses on Celtic mythology, early Celtic Christianity, the history of Celtic traditional music and related topics. He is the author of The Apple Branch: A Path to Celtic Ritual, and has contributed numerous articles to a variety of publications including Mythlore, Mythprint, Keltoi, CARN, People of the Earth and Keltria.
To register and sign up for room and board, please print and complete this Mythcon 33 Registration form (PDF).
$250 each (single occupancy)/$130 (double occupancy)/$85 (triple occupancy)/$70 (quadruple occupancy)
77% of the room are non-smoking. Double and king beds are available, as are connecting rooms. The Ramada is wheelchair accessible, and there are accommodations available for persons with disabilities. Additional nights are available at $85 per night per person (single occupancy)/$45 per night per person (double occupancy) or inquire for other rates. Rates and room availability are not guaranteed after June 15; payment for hotel reservations must be received by June 20. Reservations must be made through the Mythcon committee.
Linda Bachman
2435 South Franklin Street
Denver, CO 80210
Include sizes and payment. We will hold shirts for pickup at the conference.
Can't make it to Mythcon this year? We'll be happy to send a T-shirt to you for $3.50 postage, plus $1.00 for each additional shirt. Add $1.10 for insurance if desired.
See you in Boulder in July!
Patricia Vivien Yarrow
2465 South Franklin Street
Denver, CO 80210-5107 or 303-352-4237 (weekdays or leave voice mail)
Debra (Rowen) Grove
2201 South Franklin Street
Denver, CO 80210
Patricia Vivien Yarrow
2465 South Franklin Street
Denver, CO 80210-5107
Phone: 303-352-4237
Guests of Honor
Connie Willis is a prolific science fiction writer, the winner of six Nebulas, six Hugos, and numerous other awards; she is the first author to win both the Nebula and Hugo in all four fiction categories. Ms. Willis once said in an interview, "I think every writer creates a world that exists only in the pages of his book ... literary worlds are more real ... sort of hyper-real."
Alexei Kondratiev is a Celtic scholar and linguist as well as a long-time member of the Mythopoeic Society. Since 1984 he has taught Irish at the Irish Arts Centre in New York as well as teaching courses on Celtic mythology, early Celtic Christianity, the history of Celtic traditional music and related topics. He is the author of The Apple Branch: A Path to Celtic Ritual, and has contributed numerous articles to a variety of publications including Mythlore, Mythprint, Keltoi, CARN, People of the Earth and Keltria.
To register and sign up for room and board, please print and complete this Mythcon 33 Registration form (PDF).
Conference membership June 1, 2002 to at the door- $70 for Mythopoeic Society members
- $80 for non-members
- $50 for students (age 12-18 with guardian or over 18 with valid student identification)
- Children under 12: no charge but must be accompanied by guardian; regular rates apply for meals and hotel
- One-day memberships (Saturday or Sunday): $35
Hotel Rates
Friday through Sunday (meals are listed separately):$250 each (single occupancy)/$130 (double occupancy)/$85 (triple occupancy)/$70 (quadruple occupancy)
77% of the room are non-smoking. Double and king beds are available, as are connecting rooms. The Ramada is wheelchair accessible, and there are accommodations available for persons with disabilities. Additional nights are available at $85 per night per person (single occupancy)/$45 per night per person (double occupancy) or inquire for other rates. Rates and room availability are not guaranteed after June 15; payment for hotel reservations must be received by June 20. Reservations must be made through the Mythcon committee.
A meals package is available for $95. This includes Friday dinner, Saturday breakfast, lunch and dinner, Sunday breakfast and lunch, and Monday breakfast. The Sunday evening banquet is separate from the meal package: individual banquet tickets are available for $40 each. Deadline for meals and banquet reservations for Mythcon 33 is July 15, 2002; payment must be received by this date. All reservations must be made through the Mythcon committee.
Mythcon XXXIII will feature T-shirt art by D. Rowen Grove. Prices will be $18 for sizes up to L, $20 for XL through XXXL. Preorders are recommended-place orders throughLinda Bachman
2435 South Franklin Street
Denver, CO 80210
Include sizes and payment. We will hold shirts for pickup at the conference.
Can't make it to Mythcon this year? We'll be happy to send a T-shirt to you for $3.50 postage, plus $1.00 for each additional shirt. Add $1.10 for insurance if desired.
See you in Boulder in July!
Call for Art
Mythcon 33 welcomes art in all media on the conference theme, The Inklings (J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Charles Williams), or fantasy art in general. Artists must be registered for the conference or represented by a conference member. Art should be appropriate for audiences of all ages. There is a $10 hanging fee per panel or table, and a 10% commission will be collected on the sale price for the benefit of the Mythopoeic Society. Artists will be expected to contribute two hours to the security of the art show. The conference assumes no liability for loss or damage of art. To reserve space in the art show, please contactPatricia Vivien Yarrow
2465 South Franklin Street
Denver, CO 80210-5107 or 303-352-4237 (weekdays or leave voice mail)
Call for Dealers
Dealers' tables will be available at Mythcon 33 for $25 per table. Dealers are expected to provide their own security. The conference assumes no liability for loss or damage to merchandise. All dealers must be registered for the conference to be admitted to conference programming. To reserve space in the dealers' room, please contactDebra (Rowen) Grove
2201 South Franklin Street
Denver, CO 80210
Call for Volunteers
Your Mythcon needs you. We need panel members, gophers, audio/video techies, registration help, emcees, auctioneers, con suite help, and all manner of volunteers. To be a part of your Mythcon, contactPatricia Vivien Yarrow
2465 South Franklin Street
Denver, CO 80210-5107
Phone: 303-352-4237