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Mythcon 35 - July 30- Aug. 2, 2004

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Mythcon 35
Bridges to Other Worlds:
Thirty-five Years of Mythopoeic Scholarship

University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, Michigan
July 30- Aug. 2, 2004

Bridges to Other Worlds:
Thirty-five Years of Mythopoeic Scholarship

For thirty-five summers, the Mythopoeic Society has celebrated mythopoeic scholarship at its annual conference. It has fostered the development of this discipline, and has encouraged many persons in their academic endeavors. This milestone conference will examine the quality, the depth and breadth of mythopoeic scholarship as it has developed since Mythcon I, both within the Society and in academia in general.


Guests of Honor

Neil Gaiman, Author

Charles Huttar, Scholar



Registration for Mythcon 35 is now closed.


The thirty-fifth annual Mythopoeic Conference will be held in Ann Arbor, in the University of Michigan's historic Michigan League building. Mythcon members will appreciate the academic atmosphere of the UM campus and the casual, easy-going style of Ann Arbor's State Street neighborhood. With housing in the North Campus Holiday Inn, conferees will enjoy complete and relaxing accommodations.

For a closer look at our conference facilities, visit http://www.umich.edu/~league/hiannarbor.com

Airport Transportation Information

For more information about Mythcon 35, contact the conference co-chairs:

Marion VanLoo at mvanloo@comcast.net Judith Kollmann at jkollman@umflint.edu

Call for Papers

Papers dealing with the conference theme are encouraged, as are those on the role of the Society in Mythopoeic scholarship. Papers focusing on the work and interests of our Guests of Honor, the Inklings (especially Tolkien, Lewis, and Williams), and other fantasy authors and themes are also welcome. We are interested in papers from a variety of perspectives and disciplines.

Some ideas to explore:

Individual papers should be suitable for oral presentation within a time period of either 20 or 45 minutes, leaving 10 or 15 minutes for questions. Presenters are encouraged to submit their papers to Mythlore, the refereed journal of the Mythopoeic Society. We are also interested in paper sessions consisting of two to four related papers by different authors, to be read and discussed in a 90 minute time period.

Abstracts of 200 words or less should be sent to the Papers Coordinators at either of the following addresses (e-mail is preferred) by April 30, 2004. Please include your AV requests and the projected time needed for your presentation.

Janet Brennan Croft
Bizzell Library 106NW
University of Oklahoma
Norman OK 73019-6030

Judith Kollmann
English Department
University of Michigan ­ Flint
Flint, MI 48502-2186

Program Schedule

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Art Show Information

This year's Art Show promises to be bountiful! We welcome artists both familiar and new.
  • There is a $10.00 fee per hanging space (standard 4 foot by 8 foot pegboard panels) and $20.00 per display table. Half-tables are $10.00. Any sale of artwork will have a 10 percent commission, which goes to the Mythopoeic Society.
  • All artwork must be brought to the show by the artist or the artist's representative. Mail-in art will not be accepted under any circumstances. Artists or their representatives are responsible for setting up and taking down their art.
  • Artists will be provided with binder clips and hangers for their board displays. If you desire title cards or labels to identify the name of your works, please prepare and print those out on your own, and bring them with you. It's always good to bring your own tape, twine/string, scissors, and anything else you think you might need to effectively display your work. The devices for hanging art (binder clips and brackets/hangers for the pegboard) are the only hardware that the Art Show can provide.
  • Since Mythcons are "family" events, we request that any artwork show nothing sexually explicit.
Please contact Art Show Coordinator, Paula DiSante, for further information and to reserve display space. pdisante@comcast.net

Content copyright 1967- The Mythopoeic Society All rights reserved.