A scholarly, peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study of mythopoeic literature

Mythlore 113/114 Volume 29, Issue 3-4     (purchase below)

Table of Contents

A Bibliography of Glen GoodKnight’s Articles, Reviews, and Major Editorials in Mythlore
---Janet Brennan Croft

Narrative Dualism in C.S. Lewis’s That Hideous Strength
---Sadie H. Bullard

A Matter of Time: C.S. Lewis’s Dark Tower Manuscript and Composition Process
---Jonathan B. Himes

Dialogic War: From The Battle of Maldon to the War of the Ring
---Peter Grybauskas

Art According to Romantic Theology: Charles Williams’s Analysis of Dante Reapplied to J.R.R. Tolkien’s “Leaf by Niggle”
---Michael Milburn

The Dantean Structure of The Great Divorce
---Joe R. Christopher

Cordial Dislike: Reinventing the Celestial Ladies of Pearl and Purgatorio in Tolkien’s Galadriel
---Sarah Downey

The Precious and the Pearl: The Influence of Pearl on the Nature of the One Ring
---Noah Koubenec

Two Rings to Rule Them All: A Comparative Study of Tolkien and Wagner
---Jamie McGregor

Túrin and Aragorn: Embracing and Evading Fate
---Janet Brennan Croft


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