

A scholarly, peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study of mythopoeic literature

Mythlore 127 Volume 34, Issue 1     (purchase below)

Table of Contents

The Lost Letter: Seeking the Keys to Williams’s Arthuriad
— John D. Rateliff

Tolkien’s Philological Philosophy in His Fiction
— Sherrylyn Branchaw

Tales of Anti-Heroes in the Work of J.R.R. Tolkien
— Phillip Fitzsimmons

1904: Tolkien, Trauma, and its Anniversaries
— Nancy Bunting

“A Wilderness of Dragons”: Tolkien’s Treatment of Dragons in Roverandom and Farmer Giles of Ham
— Romuald I. Lakowski

Noms de Guerre: The Power of Naming in War and Conflict in Middle-earth
— Janet Brennan Croft

Hearkening to the Other: A Certeauvian Reading of the Ainulindalë
— Cami Agan


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