OMS 3 - Online MidWinter Seminar 2024
Online MidWinter Seminar 2024
Something Mighty Queer
February 17-18, 2024
Via Zoom and Discord
OMS 3 Registration
OMS 3 Call for Papers
OMS 3 Program Schedule
OMS 3 Proceedings
Something Mighty Queer: queerness in fantasy, science fiction, speculative fiction, and other mythopoeic work
Co-chairs: Alicia Fox-Lenz, Grace Moone, Leah Hagan
Join us for a virtual conference centered around queerness in fantasy, science fiction, speculative fiction, or other mythopoeic
work. “Queerness” is an intentionally ambiguous term, demonstrating the diversity of queer experiences, and the necessity
of situating queerness as a liminal, complex paradigm. Queer theory is wider than the study of gender identity or sexuality, extending
to taking positions against normativity and dominant modes of thought, and engaging with the indefinite.
Taylor Driggers is the author of Queering Faith in Fantasy Literature (Bloomsbury Academic, 2022),
which was a finalist for the 2023 Mythopoeic Award in Myth
and Fantasy Studies. His research examines how fantasy literature can reimagine the relationship between
Christian theology, queer desire, and gendered embodiment, especially via theologies of failure. A member of
the University of Glasgow’s Centre for Fantasy and the Fantastic as well as the AHRC-funded research
network Future Voices of Scottish Science Fiction and Fantasy, he is also interested in ways of curating
fantasy’s queer histories beyond mere representation and inclusion. Taylor holds a PhD in English Literature
from the University of Glasgow.
The CFP is closed; the deadline was November 30, 2023.
The Mythopoeic Society invites paper submissions for an online conference that focuses on queerness in fantasy, science fiction,
speculative fiction or other mythopoeic work. This can be queer representation within the work or engaging with mythopoeia through
queer theory. Aspects of this topic might include but are certainly not limited to any of the following: Otherness, stranger/outsider,
the uncanny, marginalization and oppression, liminality and liminal spaces, depictions of queer people, thresholds, trans theory, gender
performativity, readings and research that challenge normative or hegemonic perspectives.
Papers, panels, and roundtables from a variety of critical perspectives and disciplines are welcome. We are interested in ANY form of
media — text, graphic novels, comics, television, movies, music and music videos, games — as long as it can be described as
fantasy or otherwise mythopoeic.
Some examples of topics:
- Queer readings
- Queercoding
- “Coming out” narratives
- The monstrous neighbor
- Queering in fandom
Each presentation will receive a 50-minute slot to allow time for questions, but individual presentations should be timed for oral
presentation in 40 minutes maximum. Two or three presenters who wish to present short, related papers may also share one 50-minute slot.
Proposals (~200 words) with bios (150 words, maximum) should be sent to: oms-chair @
Working bibliographies are welcome, but not required.
Registration is US$20.00 per person. You may register up to four people on this page.
Since a major component of the online seminar is the discussions and other activities on Discord, we would also like to
know what screen name (or "handle") you use, or would like to use, on that platform. Specifying both your real name
and your Discord name helps us keep track of who is registered and who is not. However, supplying your Discord name
is optional, especially if you do not plan on participating in any Discord activities.
Please specify the email address that each registrant prefers to be contacted with, as this may be different from the
email address associated with the PayPal account being used.
Something Mighty Queer
Via Zoom and Discord
OMS 3 Call for Papers
OMS 3 Program Schedule
OMS 3 Proceedings
Something Mighty Queer: queerness in fantasy, science fiction, speculative fiction, and other mythopoeic work
Co-chairs: Alicia Fox-Lenz, Grace Moone, Leah HaganJoin us for a virtual conference centered around queerness in fantasy, science fiction, speculative fiction, or other mythopoeic work. “Queerness” is an intentionally ambiguous term, demonstrating the diversity of queer experiences, and the necessity of situating queerness as a liminal, complex paradigm. Queer theory is wider than the study of gender identity or sexuality, extending to taking positions against normativity and dominant modes of thought, and engaging with the indefinite.

Taylor Driggers is the author of Queering Faith in Fantasy Literature (Bloomsbury Academic, 2022), which was a finalist for the 2023 Mythopoeic Award in Myth and Fantasy Studies. His research examines how fantasy literature can reimagine the relationship between Christian theology, queer desire, and gendered embodiment, especially via theologies of failure. A member of the University of Glasgow’s Centre for Fantasy and the Fantastic as well as the AHRC-funded research network Future Voices of Scottish Science Fiction and Fantasy, he is also interested in ways of curating fantasy’s queer histories beyond mere representation and inclusion. Taylor holds a PhD in English Literature from the University of Glasgow.
The CFP is closed; the deadline was November 30, 2023.
The Mythopoeic Society invites paper submissions for an online conference that focuses on queerness in fantasy, science fiction, speculative fiction or other mythopoeic work. This can be queer representation within the work or engaging with mythopoeia through queer theory. Aspects of this topic might include but are certainly not limited to any of the following: Otherness, stranger/outsider, the uncanny, marginalization and oppression, liminality and liminal spaces, depictions of queer people, thresholds, trans theory, gender performativity, readings and research that challenge normative or hegemonic perspectives.
Papers, panels, and roundtables from a variety of critical perspectives and disciplines are welcome. We are interested in ANY form of media — text, graphic novels, comics, television, movies, music and music videos, games — as long as it can be described as fantasy or otherwise mythopoeic.
Some examples of topics:
- Queer readings
- Queercoding
- “Coming out” narratives
- The monstrous neighbor
- Queering in fandom
Each presentation will receive a 50-minute slot to allow time for questions, but individual presentations should be timed for oral presentation in 40 minutes maximum. Two or three presenters who wish to present short, related papers may also share one 50-minute slot.
Proposals (~200 words) with bios (150 words, maximum) should be sent to: oms-chair @ Working bibliographies are welcome, but not required.
Registration is US$20.00 per person. You may register up to four people on this page.
Since a major component of the online seminar is the discussions and other activities on Discord, we would also like to know what screen name (or "handle") you use, or would like to use, on that platform. Specifying both your real name and your Discord name helps us keep track of who is registered and who is not. However, supplying your Discord name is optional, especially if you do not plan on participating in any Discord activities.
Please specify the email address that each registrant prefers to be contacted with, as this may be different from the email address associated with the PayPal account being used.