Mythopoeic Press
Books by and about writers of mythopoeic and fantastic literature
Books by and about writers of mythopoeic and fantastic literature

Proceedings of the J.R.R. Tolkien Centenary Conference 1992
Mythlore 80/Mallorn 33
Edited by Patricia Reynolds and Glen H. GoodKnight
Published: 1995, Milton Keynes and Altadena
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The J.R.R. Tolkien Centenary Conference was held at Keble College, Oxford, England, from August 17-24, 1992, to celebrate the centenary
of the birth of Professor J.R.R. Tolkien. The conference was co-sponsored by the British Tolkien Society and the Mythopoeic Society, and
incorporated the annual conferences (Mythcon XXIII and Oxonmoot 1992) usually held separately by these organizations.
Individual articles are available via the official archive of Mythlore back issues, hosted by Southwestern Oklahoma State University Libraries.
Individual articles are available via the official archive of Mythlore back issues, hosted by Southwestern Oklahoma State University Libraries.
Unpublished contributions
Opening Address
Unpublished contributions
Opening Address
Section 1: Recollection and Remembrance
Vera Chapman, Reminiscences: Oxford in 1920, Meeting Tolkien and Becoming an Author at 77
Glen H. GoodKnight, Tolkien Centenary Banquet Address
Fr. Robert Murray, Sermon at Thanksgiving Service, Keble College Chapel, 23rd August 1992
George Sayer, Recollections of J.R.R. Tolkien
Rayner Unwin, Publishing Tolkien
Glen H. GoodKnight, Tolkien Centenary Banquet Address
Fr. Robert Murray, Sermon at Thanksgiving Service, Keble College Chapel, 23rd August 1992
George Sayer, Recollections of J.R.R. Tolkien
Rayner Unwin, Publishing Tolkien
Section 2: Sources and Influences
Nils Ivar Agøy, Quid Hinieldus cum Christo? - New Perspectives on Tolkien's Theological Dilemma and his Sub-Creation Theory
Verlyn Flieger, Tolkien's Experiment with Time: The Lost Road, "The Notion Club Papers" and J.W.Dunne
Deirdre Greene, Higher Argument: Tolkien and the tradition of Vision, Epic and Prophecy
Virginia Luling, An Anthropologist in Middle-earth
Charles E. Noad, Frodo and his Spectre: Blakean Resonances in Tolkien
Gloriana St. Clair, An Overview ofthe Northern Influences on Tolkien's Works
Gloriana St. Clair, Volsunga Saga and Narn: Some Analogies
Chris Seeman, Tolkien's Revision ofthe Romantic Tradition
Tom Shippey, Tolkien as a Post-War Writer
Norman Talbot, Where do Elves go to? Tolkien and a Fantasy Tradition
Verlyn Flieger, Tolkien's Experiment with Time: The Lost Road, "The Notion Club Papers" and J.W.Dunne
Deirdre Greene, Higher Argument: Tolkien and the tradition of Vision, Epic and Prophecy
Virginia Luling, An Anthropologist in Middle-earth
Charles E. Noad, Frodo and his Spectre: Blakean Resonances in Tolkien
Gloriana St. Clair, An Overview ofthe Northern Influences on Tolkien's Works
Gloriana St. Clair, Volsunga Saga and Narn: Some Analogies
Chris Seeman, Tolkien's Revision ofthe Romantic Tradition
Tom Shippey, Tolkien as a Post-War Writer
Norman Talbot, Where do Elves go to? Tolkien and a Fantasy Tradition
Section 3: The Lord of the Rings
Marjorie Burns, Eating, Devouring, Sacrifice and Ultimate Just Desserts
Jane Chance, Power and Knowledge in Tolkien: The Problem of Difference in "The Birthday Party"
Joe R. Christopher, The Moral Epiphanies in The Lord of the Rings
Patrick Curry, "Less Noise and More Green": Tolkien's Ideology for England
Gwenyth Hood, The Earthly Paradise in Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings
Gloriana St. Clair, Tolkien as Reviser: A Case Study
Christina Scull, Open Minds, Closed Minds in The Lord of the Rings
Jane Chance, Power and Knowledge in Tolkien: The Problem of Difference in "The Birthday Party"
Joe R. Christopher, The Moral Epiphanies in The Lord of the Rings
Patrick Curry, "Less Noise and More Green": Tolkien's Ideology for England
Gwenyth Hood, The Earthly Paradise in Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings
Gloriana St. Clair, Tolkien as Reviser: A Case Study
Christina Scull, Open Minds, Closed Minds in The Lord of the Rings
Section 4: The Silmarillion
Alex Lewis, Historical Bias in the Making of The Silmarillion
Eric Schweicher, Aspects of the Fall in The Silmarillion
Eric Schweicher, Aspects of the Fall in The Silmarillion
Section 5: Linguistics and Lexicography
Peter M. Gilliver, At the Wordface: J.R.R. Tolkien's Work on the Oxford English Dictionary
Christopher Gilson and Patrick Wynne, The Growth of Grammar in the Elven Tongues
Deirdre Greene, Tolkien's Dictionary Poetics: The Influence ofthe OED's Defining Style on Tolkien's Fiction
Natalia Grigorieva, Problems of Translating into Russian
Bruce Mitchell, J.R.R. Tolkien and Old English Studies: An Appreciation
Tom Shippey, Tolkien and the Gawain-poet
Christopher Gilson and Patrick Wynne, The Growth of Grammar in the Elven Tongues
Deirdre Greene, Tolkien's Dictionary Poetics: The Influence ofthe OED's Defining Style on Tolkien's Fiction
Natalia Grigorieva, Problems of Translating into Russian
Bruce Mitchell, J.R.R. Tolkien and Old English Studies: An Appreciation
Tom Shippey, Tolkien and the Gawain-poet
Section 6: Response and Reaction
Vladimir Grushetskiy, How Russians See Tolkien
Wayne G. Hammond, The Critical Response to Tolkien's Fiction
Jessica Yates, Tolkien the Anti-totalitarian
Wayne G. Hammond, The Critical Response to Tolkien's Fiction
Jessica Yates, Tolkien the Anti-totalitarian
Section 7: Tolkien Studies
Helen Armstrong, Good Guys, Bad Guys, Fantasy and Reality
Christine Barkley, The Realm of Faërie
Christine Barkley, Point of View in Tolkien
Joe R. Christopher, J.R.R. Tolkien and the Clerihew
Edith L. Crowe, Power in Arda: Sources, Uses and Misuses
Chris Hopkins, Tolkien and Englishness
Carl F. Hostetter and Arden R. Smith, A Mythology for England
Nancy Martsch, A Tolkien Chronology
Tadeusz Andrzej Olszanski, Evil and the Evil One in Tolkien's Theology
René van Rossenberg, Tolkien's Exceptional Visit to Holland: A Reconstruction
Anders Stenström, A Mythology? For England?
Dwayne Thorpe, Tolkien's Elvish Craft
Christine Barkley, The Realm of Faërie
Christine Barkley, Point of View in Tolkien
Joe R. Christopher, J.R.R. Tolkien and the Clerihew
Edith L. Crowe, Power in Arda: Sources, Uses and Misuses
Chris Hopkins, Tolkien and Englishness
Carl F. Hostetter and Arden R. Smith, A Mythology for England
Nancy Martsch, A Tolkien Chronology
Tadeusz Andrzej Olszanski, Evil and the Evil One in Tolkien's Theology
René van Rossenberg, Tolkien's Exceptional Visit to Holland: A Reconstruction
Anders Stenström, A Mythology? For England?
Dwayne Thorpe, Tolkien's Elvish Craft
Section 8: Middle-earth Studies
Jenny Coombs and Marc Read, A Physics of Middle-earth
David A. Funk, Explorations into the Psyche of Dwarves
William Antony Swithin Sarjeant, The Geology of Middle-earth
Lester E. Simons, Writing and Allied Technologies in Middle-earth
David A. Funk, Explorations into the Psyche of Dwarves
William Antony Swithin Sarjeant, The Geology of Middle-earth
Lester E. Simons, Writing and Allied Technologies in Middle-earth
Section 9: The Inklings
Charles A. Coulombe, Hermetic Imngination: The Effect of The Golden Dawn on Fanlasy Literature
David Doughan, Tolkien, Sayers, Sex and Gender
Colin Duriez, Tolkien and the Other Inklings
Lisa Hopkins, Female Authority Figures in the Works of Tolkien, C.S. Lewis and Charles Williams
Diana Lynne Pavlac, More than a Bandersnatch: Tolkien as a Collaborative Writer
Stephen Yandell, "A Pattern Which Our Nature Cries Out For": The Medieval Tradition of the Ordered Four in the Fiction of J.R.R. Tolkien
David Doughan, Tolkien, Sayers, Sex and Gender
Colin Duriez, Tolkien and the Other Inklings
Lisa Hopkins, Female Authority Figures in the Works of Tolkien, C.S. Lewis and Charles Williams
Diana Lynne Pavlac, More than a Bandersnatch: Tolkien as a Collaborative Writer
Stephen Yandell, "A Pattern Which Our Nature Cries Out For": The Medieval Tradition of the Ordered Four in the Fiction of J.R.R. Tolkien
Section 10: Flights of Fancy
John Ellison, Baggins Remembered
Hubert Sawa, Short History of the Territorial Development of the Dwarves' Kingdoms in the Second and Third Ages Of Middle-earth
Angela Surtees and Steve Gardner, The Mechanics of Dragons.. An Introduction to The Study of their 'Ologies
Hubert Sawa, Short History of the Territorial Development of the Dwarves' Kingdoms in the Second and Third Ages Of Middle-earth
Angela Surtees and Steve Gardner, The Mechanics of Dragons.. An Introduction to The Study of their 'Ologies
Section 11: Other Writers
Madawc Williams, Tales of Wonder - Science Fiction and Fantasy in the Age of Jane Austen
J.R. Wytenbroek, Natural Mysticism in Kenneth Grahame's The Wind in the Willows
J.R. Wytenbroek, Cetacean Consciousness in Katz's Whalesinger and L'Engle's A Ring of Endless Light
J.R. Wytenbroek, Natural Mysticism in Kenneth Grahame's The Wind in the Willows
J.R. Wytenbroek, Cetacean Consciousness in Katz's Whalesinger and L'Engle's A Ring of Endless Light
Papers presented at the Conference and not submitted for publication
Helen Armstrong, How Dare You Call Me That! William Cater Interviewing Tolkien
Michael Foster Easter in Middle-earth
Paul Nolan Hyde, The Language of Children: A Vocabulary Contest Between The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings
Stephen Medcalf, The Language Learnt of Elves
Ned Raggett, An Unread Classic? Tolkien and Today's Reading Audience
John D. Rateliff, The Lost Road, The Dark Tower and "The Notion Club Papers": Tolkien and Lewis' Time Travel Triad
Brian Sibley, The Radio and the Ring: Thirty-seven Years of Broadcasting Tolkien
Michael Tiedemann, Manwë's Mistake: An Approach to the Reasons for the Flight of the Noldor
Michael Foster Easter in Middle-earth
Paul Nolan Hyde, The Language of Children: A Vocabulary Contest Between The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings
Stephen Medcalf, The Language Learnt of Elves
Ned Raggett, An Unread Classic? Tolkien and Today's Reading Audience
John D. Rateliff, The Lost Road, The Dark Tower and "The Notion Club Papers": Tolkien and Lewis' Time Travel Triad
Brian Sibley, The Radio and the Ring: Thirty-seven Years of Broadcasting Tolkien
Michael Tiedemann, Manwë's Mistake: An Approach to the Reasons for the Flight of the Noldor
Panel discussions
Fantasy Role-playing and Tolkien's World Moderated by Chris Seeman, panelists: Andrew Butler, Glenn Kuring, Brian Murphy, Eric Rauscher, Madawc Williams
Illustrating Tolkien Moderated by Christina Scull, panelists: Denis Bridoux, Sylvia Hunnewell, Ted Nasmith, Susanne Stopfel, Patrick Wynne
Immortal Love? Moderated by Angela Surtees, panelists: Ruth Lacon, Jeremy MorFan, Catherine Thom
Music and Tolkien's World Moderated by Alex Lewis, panelist: Alisdair Roberts
A Not-So-Secret Vice: Tolkienian Linguistics Moderated by Carl F. Hostetter, panelists: Jenny Coombs, David Doughan, Paul Nolan Hyde, Nancy Martsch, Arden Smith, Patrick Wynne
The Relationship between Tolkien's Academic and Middle-earth Works Moderated by Pat Reynolds, panelists: Verlyn Flieger, Deirdre Greene, Gloriana St. Claire, Tom Shippey
Tolkien and the Inklings Moderated by Glen H. GoodKnight, panelists: Joe Christopher, Colin Duriez, Verlyn Flieger, Diana Pavlac, John Rateliff
Tolkien and Oxford University Moderated by Christina Scull, panelists: Dierdre Greene, Stephen Medcalf, Bruce Mitchell, Tom Shippey
Tolkien's Precursors Moderated by John D. Rateliff, panelists: Rikki Breem, Marjorie Bums, Verlyn Flieger
The Value of "The History of Middle-earth" Series Moderated by Ned Raggett, panelists: Helen Armstrong, David Bratman, Paul Nolan Hyde, Brian Murphy
Illustrating Tolkien Moderated by Christina Scull, panelists: Denis Bridoux, Sylvia Hunnewell, Ted Nasmith, Susanne Stopfel, Patrick Wynne
Immortal Love? Moderated by Angela Surtees, panelists: Ruth Lacon, Jeremy MorFan, Catherine Thom
Music and Tolkien's World Moderated by Alex Lewis, panelist: Alisdair Roberts
A Not-So-Secret Vice: Tolkienian Linguistics Moderated by Carl F. Hostetter, panelists: Jenny Coombs, David Doughan, Paul Nolan Hyde, Nancy Martsch, Arden Smith, Patrick Wynne
The Relationship between Tolkien's Academic and Middle-earth Works Moderated by Pat Reynolds, panelists: Verlyn Flieger, Deirdre Greene, Gloriana St. Claire, Tom Shippey
Tolkien and the Inklings Moderated by Glen H. GoodKnight, panelists: Joe Christopher, Colin Duriez, Verlyn Flieger, Diana Pavlac, John Rateliff
Tolkien and Oxford University Moderated by Christina Scull, panelists: Dierdre Greene, Stephen Medcalf, Bruce Mitchell, Tom Shippey
Tolkien's Precursors Moderated by John D. Rateliff, panelists: Rikki Breem, Marjorie Bums, Verlyn Flieger
The Value of "The History of Middle-earth" Series Moderated by Ned Raggett, panelists: Helen Armstrong, David Bratman, Paul Nolan Hyde, Brian Murphy
Slide presentations
Wayne Hammond, Pauline Baynes, Illustrator
Joy Hill, Tolkien's Fan Mail Presented by Christina Scull and Wayne Hammond
Gary Hunnewell, The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: The Commercialism of J.R.R. Tolkien
Ted Nasmith, The Tolkien Art of Ted Nasmith: A Chronological Review
Christina Scull, Illustrating Tolkien
Philip Smith, Creative Bindings of Tolkien's Works
Michael Underwood, Artwork Inspired by J.R.R. Tolkien
Joy Hill, Tolkien's Fan Mail Presented by Christina Scull and Wayne Hammond
Gary Hunnewell, The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: The Commercialism of J.R.R. Tolkien
Ted Nasmith, The Tolkien Art of Ted Nasmith: A Chronological Review
Christina Scull, Illustrating Tolkien
Philip Smith, Creative Bindings of Tolkien's Works
Michael Underwood, Artwork Inspired by J.R.R. Tolkien

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