A scholarly, peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study of mythopoeic literature

Mythlore 1 Volume 1, Issue 1     (purchase below)

1969 January, 48 pages

Table of Contents

Editorial: "Fantasy and Personal Involvement." 4.

Braude, Nan. "Sion and Parnassus: Three Approaches to Myth." 6-8.

Berman, Ruth. "Here an Orc, There an Ork." 9-10.

Titcomb, Molly. "Making The Lord of the Rings into a Movie?" 11-13.

Hannay, Margaret P. "C.S. Lewis' Theory of Mythology." 14-18.

Zuber, Bernie. "A Meeting of the Tolkien Society, September 22, 1968." 25+.

GoodKnight, Glen. "C.S Kilby in Southern California." 27+.

Wilson, Simone. "The Arthurian Myth in Modern Literature." 30-32.

Zuber, Bernie. "An Introduction to Worlds of Fantasy." 32+.

GoodKnight, Glen. "A Mythopoeic and Midde Earth Calendar for 1969." 38+.

Ballif, Sandra. "A Sindarin-Quenya Dictionary, More or Less, Listing All Elvish Words Found in the Lord of the Rings, the Hobbit, and the Road Goes Ever on by J.R.R. Tolkien (Part I)." 41-44.

Zuber, Bernie. "Bilbo and Frodo's Birthday Party, September 22, 1968." 45.

"Missives to Mythlore." 47.

"What is The Mythopoeic Society and Mythlore?" 48.


George Barr 19, 47
Bonnie Bergstrom 36
Tim Kirk 10, 11, 50
Bernie Zuber 1, 8, 29, 33

Mythlore 1 - print copy - $3.50

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Content copyright 1967- - The Mythopoeic Society - All rights reserved.