A scholarly, peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study of mythopoeic literature

Mythlore 140 Volume 40, Issue 2     (purchase below)

Spring/Summer 2022

Table of Contents

— Janet Brennan Croft

“One Aims at the Officers First”: Reassessing the Relationship of C.S. Lewis and T.S. Eliot
— Ben Reinhard

Being Psyche: The Jungian Soul in Glome
— Kelly Webber

Who is Merlin? A Closer Look at the Character in Charles Williams’s Taliessin Poetry
— Joseph Thompson

The Wheel of Power in HBO’s Game of Thrones
— Inbar Shaham

Sterner Stuff: Sansa Stark and the System of Gothic Fantasy
— Joseph Rex Young

A Lost Tale, A Found Influence: Earendel and Tinúviel
— Verlyn Flieger

Soup, Bones, and Shakespeare: Literary Authorship and Allusion in Middle-earth
— Owen Dugan and James Krasner

Tolkien and Bakhtin: Symphony of Time in The Lord of the Rings
— Olesky (Alex) Ostaltsev

Seeing Double: Tolkien and the Indo-European Divine Twins
— Kristine Larsen

Círdan the Shipwright: Tolkien’s Bodhisattva Who Brings Us to the Other Shore
— Douglas Charles Kane

Notes and Letters


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