A scholarly, peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study of mythopoeic literature
A scholarly, peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study of mythopoeic literature
Mythlore 142 Volume 41, Issue 2 (purchase below)
Spring/Summer 2023
Table of Contents
Editorial— Janet Brennan Croft
Terry Pratchett’s Witches Novels and the Consensus Fantasy Universe: A Feminist Perspective
— Clair Hutchings-Budd
Blood on the Snow, Soot on the Carpet: Belief as Pedagogy in Terry Pratchett’s Hogfather
— Michael A. Moir, Jr.
The Unicorn Trade: Towards a Cultural History of the Mass-market Unicorn
— Timothy Miller
The felix culpa in Tolkien’s Legendarium: A Catalyst for Character and Reader Transformation
— Nathan CJ Hood
The Stolen Gift: Tolkien and the Problem of Suicide
— Martin Lockerd
Mythopoesis in Tennyson’s Idylls of the King
— Rebecca A. Umland
Wizards and Woods: The Environmental Ethics of Tolkien’s Istari
— Kenton L. Sena and Philip J. Vogel
Gollum from Medieval Tragedy to Liberal Tragedy in J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings
— Masoud Tadayoni and Mohsen Hanif
Delving Too Greedily: Analyzing Prejudice Against Tolkien’s Dwarves as Historical Bias
— Mitchell T. Dennis and Kenton L. Sena
- Sentience and Sapience in the One Ring: The Reality of Tolkien’s Master Ring — Larry Burriss
- The One Ring of King Solomon — Giovanni Carmine Costabile
- The Dragon and the Railway Station — Verlyn Flieger
- Thinking Queerly: Medievalism, Wizardry, and Neurodiversity in Young Adult Texts by Jes Battis — Marisa Mills
- George MacDonald in the Age of Miracles: Incarnation, Doubt, and Reenchantment by Timothy Larsen — James Hamby
- Harry Potter and the Other: Race, Justice, and Difference in the Wizarding World edited by Sarah Park Dahlen and Ebony Elizabeth Thomas, and Open at the Close: Literary Essays on Harry Potter edited by Cecelia Koncharr Farr — Joseph Rex Young
- The Medieval Mind of C.S. Lewis: How Great Books Shaped a Great Mind by Jason M. Baxter — Josiah Peterson
- Discovering Dune: Essays on Frank Herbert’s Epic Saga edited by Dominic J. Nardi and N. Trevor Brierly — G. Connor Salter
- Mythmaking Across Boundaries edited by Züleyha Çetiner-Öktem — Sarah Beach
- The Lord of the Rings Tarot Deck and Guide by Casey Gilly and Tomás Hijo — Emily E. Auger
- The Map of Wilderland: Ecocritical Reflections on Tolkien’s Myth of Wilderness by Amber Lehning — Maria K. Alberto
- Primitive Mythology (The Masks of God, Volume 1) by Joseph Campbell — Phillip Fitzsimmons
- Superman in Myth and Folklore by Daniel Peretti, and The Mythology of the Superhero by Andrew R. Bahlmann — David Emerson
- Fairy Tales, Myth, and Psychoanalytic Theory: Feminism and Retelling the Tale by Veronica L. Schanoes — John Rosegrant
- The Leadership of C.S. Lewis: Ten Traits to Encourage Change and Growth by Crystal Hurd — Mark-Eliot Finley
- The Gallant Edith Bratt: J.R.R. Tolkien’s Inspiration by Nancy Bunting and Seamus Hamill-Keays — María Fernández Portaencasa
- Nancy-Lou Patterson Reviews Books by and About Dorothy L. Sayers, C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, Charles Williams, and Others by Nancy-Lou Patterson, edited by Emily E. Auger and Janet Brennan Croft — David Bratman
- The Transcendent Vision of Mythopoeic Fantasy by David S. Hogsette — Douglas A. Anderson
- Tolkien, Enchantment, and Loss: Steps on the Developmental Journey by John Rosegrant — Timothy K. Lenz
- Briefly Noted:
Ithell Colquhuon Taro as Color tarot deck and book by Ithell Colquhoun — Emily E. Auger
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