A scholarly, peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study of mythopoeic literature

Mythlore 144 Volume 42, Issue 2     (purchase below)

Spring/Summer 2024

Table of Contents

Introduction to the Special Issue: Fantasy Goes to Hell
— Janet Brennan Croft and Erin Gianinni

Tolkien, Augustinian Theodicy, and ‘Lovecraftian’ Evil
— Perry Neil Harrison

Substance Abuse: The Symbolic Geography of Hell in The Great Divorce
— Richard Angelo Bergen

Denial and Acceptance: A Core Myth of Orpheus and Eurydice in the Modern Lyric
— Brian O. Murdoch

Orpheus and the Harrowing of Hell in the Tale of Beren and Lúthien
— Giovanni Carmine Costabile

Two Roads to Hell: Rebirth and Relevance in Musical Adaptations of Katabatic Myth
— Jarrod DePrado

Timeless Moments: Russell Kirk, Charles Williams, and Stephen King on the Afterlife
— Camilo Peralta

Hell on His Mind: Dean Winchester’s Journey to Hell and Back
— Anna Caterino

“Hell is Only a Word, The Reality is Much, Much Worse”: Black Holes as Fantasy Gateways to Hell
— Kristine Larsen

Hell as an Exploration of Sin: A Comparison of Alan Moore’s Providence to Dante’s Inferno
— Zachary Rutledge

Notes and Letters


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