A scholarly, peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study of mythopoeic literature

Mythlore 145 Volume 43, Issue 1     (purchase below)

Fall/Winter 2024

Table of Contents

— Janet Brennan Croft

Fantasy, Colonialism, and the Middle Landscape
— Brian Attebery

The Catholic Imaginations of J.R.R. Tolkien and Oscar Wilde
— Frazier Alexander Johnson

Hamlet in Narnia: The Prince and the Poem in Lewis’s Chronicles of Narnia
— Sarah R.A. Waters

The Wart, the Wizard, and the Cathedral: Applying C.S. Lewis’s Intertextuality Theory to T.H. White and J.K. Rowling
— G. Connor Salter

“The Company at St. Anne’s” and “The God’s Gardeners”: What C.S. Lewis and Margaret Atwood Teach Us about Caring for Our Planet
— Anne Frédérique Mochel-Caballero

Tolkien the Playwright: Manuscript Revisions and Faërian Dramas in “The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth”
— Anna Smol

The Rhetoric of Temporality in C.S. Lewis’s Works: A Study of Time in Mere Christianity and the Chronicles of Narnia
— Lorraine Nasser-Sakass

Elmar, Aerin, and Aredhel: Female Enslavement in Tolkien’s Legendarium
— Clare Moore

Hell on Earth in Garth Nix’s Old Kingdom: Dark Jouissance and the Dead Mother
— John Rosegrant

The Inconsistencies of Galadriel: The Influence of the Earlier Legendarium in The Lord of the Rings
— Alexander Retakh

The Hag o’ the Hills: Terry Pratchett‘s Tiffany Aching as Soverignty Goddess
— Eileen Donaldson

Notes and Letters


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