A scholarly, peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study of mythopoeic literature

Mythlore 15 Volume 4, Issue 3     (purchase below)

1977 March, 39 pages

Includes Mythprint 15.3 (March 1977)

Table of Contents


Kocher, Paul. “The Tale of the Noldor.” 3-7.

Skinner, Veronica L. “Guinevere’s Role in the Arthurian Poetry of Charles Williams.” 9-11.

Brown, Judith. “The Pilgrimage from Deep Space.” 13-15.

Howard, Andrew. “Till We Have Faces and Its Mythological and Literary Precursors.” 30-32.


GoodKnight, Glen. Editorial Note. 11.

McMenomy, Bruce. “Misconstruction.” Review of J.R.R. Tolkien: Architect of Middle-earth by Daniel Grotta-Kurska. 16-17.

Patterson, Nancy-Lou. “Art in Words and Pictures.” Review of The Fantastic in Literature by Eric S. Rabkin. 17-18.

Christopher, Joe R. “Poems.” Review of Feng: A Poem by John Wain, Wild Angels by Ursula K. Le Guin, and Aniara: A Review of Man in Time and Space by Harry Martinson. 18-20.

GoodKnight, Glen. Editorial. 11+.

GoodKnight, Glen. Some Photographs and Comments. 21+.

Letters. 23+.

Christopher, Joe R. “An Inklings Bibliography (4).” 33-38.

Mythprint. 39.


A.V.G. 16
Sarah Beach 18, 19
Bonnie GoodKnight 2, 7, 20, 30, 31
Glen GoodKnight Photographs: 21, 22
Annette Harper cover, 5
Mary Hodge Calligraphy: 20
Michael Kucharski 26, 27
R. Patrick McCabe 17
Bruce McMenomy back cover, 8
Thadara Ottobris 24, 25
Valerie Protopapas 12
Mike Workman 20

Mythlore 15 - print copy - $3.50

Mythlore Backissues 12-17

Content copyright 1967- - The Mythopoeic Society - All rights reserved.