A scholarly, peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study of mythopoeic literature

Mythlore 22 Volume 6, Issue 4     (purchase below)

1979 Fall, 47 pages

Table of Contents


Purtill, Richard L. “Heaven and Other Perilous Realms.” 3-6.

Russell, Mariann. “Elements of the Idea of the City in Charles Williams’ Arthurian Poetry.” 10-18.

Patterson, Nancy-Lou. “Guardaci Ben: The Visionary Woman in C.S. Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia and That Hideous Strength (Part 2).” 20-24.

Berman, Ruth. “A Note on the Mythopoeeic Holdings in the Kerlan Collection.” 32, 42.

Epperson, William R. “The Repose of a Very Delicate Balance: Postulants and Celebrants of the Sacrament of Marriage in the Detective Fiction of Dorthy L. Sayers.” 33-36.


Speth, Lee. “Cavalier Treatment: The Pig in the Widow’s Shawl.” Rev. of Brooks, Walter R. The Freddy the Pig series. 7-8.

GoodKnight, Glen. “Founder’s Focus.” 17+.

Ellwood, Gracia Fay. Editorial: “Of Creation and Love.” 19, 42.

Patterson, Nancy-Lou. “Renaissance Women.” Rev. of Hannay, Margaret P., ed. As Her Whimsey Took Her: Critical Essays on the Work of Dorothy L. Sayers. 25.

Kocher, Paul H. “Jung in Middle Earth.” Rev. of O’Neill, Timothy.  The Individuated Hobbit: Jung, Tolkien, and the Archetypes of Middle-earth. 25.

Milward, Peter. “Perchance to Touch: Tolkien as Scholar.” 31-32.

Cowan, Lisa Ellen. “Mythalliances.” 37+.

Letters. 39+.

Christopher, Joe R. “An Inklings Bibliography (11).” 44-47.


Patterson, Nancy-Lou. “The Geography of the Spirit.” Rev. of Sammons, Martha C. A Guide Through Narnia. 26.

Patterson, Nancy-Lou. “Sayers in Silver.” Rev. of Hone, Ralph E.  Dorothy Sayers: A Literary Biography. 26-27.

Patterson, Nancy-Lou. “Nuggets by Niggle.” Rev. of Becker, Alida, ed. The Tolkien Scrapbook. 27-28.

Patterson, Nancy-Lou. “Acceptance of the Wonderful.” Rev. of Como, James T., ed. C.S. Lewis at the Breakfast Table, and Other Reminiscences. 28-29.

Ellwood, Robert S., Jr. “Three on the Little People.” Rev. of Briggs, Katharine. An Encyclopedia of Fairies. Briggs, Katharine. The Vanishing People. Phillpotts, Beatrice. The Book of Fairies. 29-30.

Patterson, Nancy-Lou. “Further up and Further In.” Rev. of Walsh, Chad. The Literary Legacy of C.S. Lewis. 30.


Lisa Cowan 28
Stephen P. Gaddis 9, 43
Bonnie GoodKnight 40
Annette Harper cover, 34, 35, 36, back cover
Mary Janis Johnson 12, 15
Thadara Ottobris 6, 21
John Pivovarnick 5
Gord Wilson 47

Mythlore 22 - print copy - $3.50

Mythlore Backissues 18-23

Content copyright 1967- - The Mythopoeic Society - All rights reserved.