A scholarly, peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study of mythopoeic literature

Mythlore 4 Volume 1, Issue 4     (purchase below)

1969 October, 58 pages

Table of Contents


Kuhl, Rand. "Owen Barfield in Southern California." 8+.

Hannay, Margaret P. "The Mythology of Out of the Silent Planet." 11-14.

Ring, David. "Report on Westercon XXII." 15+.

Carnell, Corbin. "C.S. Lewis: An Appraisal." 18+.

"Bilbo and Frodo's Birthday Party, reported by Elrond Peredhil." 21.

Juhren, Marcella. "Mileage in Middle Earth." 22.

McMenomy, Bruce. "Song of Joy." 41+.

Wilson, Simone. "The Empire of Charles Williams." 50-53.


GoodKnight, Glen. "The Council of Elrond." 2+.

Zuber, Bernie. "Across the Brandywine." 4+.

Ballif, Sandra. "A Sindarin-Quenya Dictionary, More or Less, Listing All Elvish Words Found in The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, and The Road Goes Ever on by J.R.R. Tolkien (Part 3)." 23-26.

"Missives to Mythlore." 27+.

Zuber, Bernie. "World of Fanzines." 38+.

Kuhl, Rand. "Lore of Logres: Arrows from a Twisted Bow: Misunderstanding Tolkien." Review of Understanding Tolkien and The Lord of the Rings by William Ready." 45-49.

Editorial: "Chronlogical Snobbery." 56+.


Alpajpuri 35 (lettering: 4, 15, 22, 45, 50, 56)
George Barr 7, 14, 42, 44, 53, 55
Bonnie Bergstrom cover, 2, 8, 16, 22, 29, 30, 33, 34, 36, 37, 58
Ron Cobb 20
Katherine Cribbs back cover
Dick Flinchbaugh 28
Rudy Haigopian 37
Tim Kirk 11, 12, 13, 27, 30, 35, 51, 56
Bruce McMenomy 3, 23, 54, 55 (lettering: 17)
Bernie Zuber 5, 21, 31, 32, 40

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Content copyright 1967- - The Mythopoeic Society - All rights reserved.