A scholarly, peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study of mythopoeic literature
A scholarly, peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study of mythopoeic literature
Mythlore 53 Volume 14, Issue 3 (purchase below)
Spring 1988
Table of Contents
- Reckford, Kenneth J. “‘There and Back Again’ - Odysseus and Bilbo Baggins.”
- Westbrook, Dee Anne. “The Souls of Animals: Evolution of the Combative Ideal.”
- White, Donna R. “Priestess and Goddess: Evolution of Human Consciousness in The Greater Trumps.”
- Greenman, David. “The Silmarillion as Aristotelian Epic-Tragedy.”
- Pennington, John. “Phantastes as Metafiction: George MacDonald’s Self-Reflexive Myth.”
- Musacchio, George. “Warfaring Christian.”
- Veith, Gene Edward. “Fantasy and the Tradition of Christian Art.”
- Burns, Marjorie J. “The Anonymous Fairy Tale: Ruskin’s King of the Golden River.”
- Madsen, Catherine. “Light from an Invisible Lamp: Natural Religion in The Lord of the Rings.”
- Boenig, Robert. “The Drums of Doom: H.G. Wells’s First Men in the Moon and The Lord of the Rings.”
- Deyo, Steven Mark. “Wyrd and Will: Fate, Fatalism, and Free Will in The Northern Elegy and J.R.R. Tolkien.”
- Berkeley, David S. “On J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings.”
- GoodKnight, Glen. Editorial Opening.
- Hyde, Paul Nolan. “Quenti Lambardillion: Turkish Delight.”
- Letters.
- GoodKnight, Glen. “Involvement.”
- GoodKnight, Glen. “Editorial Philosophy.”
- Mythlore Staff. The Council of Stewards.
- Timeless at Heart: Essays on Theology. C.S. Lewis. Reviewed by Nancy-Lou Patterson.
- The Hero’s Journey: The World of Joseph Campbell. Mythology Limited. Reviewed by Norma Roche.
- C.S. Lewis: His Literary Achievement. C.N. Manlove. Reviewed by Glen GoodKnight.
Mythlore 53 - print copy - $3.50