A scholarly, peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study of mythopoeic literature
A scholarly, peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study of mythopoeic literature
Mythlore 57 Volume 15, Issue 3 (purchase below)
Spring 1989
Table of Contents
- Christensen, Bonniejean. “Tolkien’s Creative Technique: Beowulf and The Hobbit.”
- Jones, Carla Faust. “The Literary Detective Computer Analysis of Stylistic Differences Between ‘The Dark Tower’ and C.S. Lewis’s Deep Space Trilogy.”
- Anderson, Angelee Sailer. “The Nature of the City: Visions of the Kingdom and its Saints in Charles Williams’s All Hallows’ Eve.”
- Patterson, Nancy-Lou. “A Comedy of Masks: Lord Peter as Harlequin in Murder Must Adverstise.”
- Sorensen, Gail D. “Thackeray’s The Rose and The Ring: A Novelist’s Fairy Tale.”
- Bentinck, A. “Tolkien and De La Mare: The Fantastic Secondary Worlds of The Hobbit and The Three Mulla-Mulgars.”
- Stenström, Hanna. “Tegnér’s Saga.”
- Franko, Carol. “Self-Conscious Narration as the Complex Representation of Hope in Le Guin’s Always Coming Home.”
- Christopher, Joe R. “A Celebration of Tasker Hepplewater’s Mock Turtle (1935).”
- Urrutia, Benjamin. “Poem and Glossary.”
- GoodKnight, Glen. Editorial Introduction: Isolated But Not Alone.
- Christopher, Joe R., Wayne G. Hammond, and Pat Allen Hargis. An Inklings Bibliography (34).
- Kondratiev, Alexei. “Tales Newly Told.”
- Hyde, Paul Nolan. “Quenti Lambardillion: Oilima Markirya: A Ship in Time.”
- Letters.
- Tree and Leaf, including the poem Mythopoeia. J.R.R. Tolkien. Reviewed by Nancy-Lou Patterson.
- Lenten Hands: My Childhood with Joy Davidman and C.S. Lewis. Douglas H. Gresham. Reviewed by Nancy-Lou Patterson.
- C.S. Lewis: His Literary Achievement. C.N. Manlove. Reviewed by Nancy-Lou Patterson.
- The C.S. Lewis Hoax. Kathryn Lindskoog. Reviewed by David Bratman.
- J.R.R. Tolkien: Man of Fantasy. Russell Shorto. Reviewed by Wayne G. Hammond.
- Howard Pyle. Lucien L. Agosta. Reviewed by Nancy-Lou Patterson.
Mythlore 57 - print copy - $3.50