A scholarly, peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study of mythopoeic literature
A scholarly, peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study of mythopoeic literature
Mythlore 68 Volume 18, Issue 2 (purchase below)
Spring 1992
Table of Contents
- Greenman, David. “Aeneidic and Odyssean Patterns of Escape and Return in Tolkien’s The Fall of Gondolin and The Return of the King.”
- Payne, Graig. “The Redemption of Cain in John Gardner’s Grendel.”
- Fike, Matthew A. “Nature As Supernature: Donaldson’s Revision of Spenser.”
- Wynne, Patrick, Paula DiSante, Sarah Beach, and Lynn Maudlin. “Joint Artists’ Project.”
- Price, Beverly. “Sheri S. Tepper and Feminism’s Future.”
- Hyde, Paul Nolan. “Dances with Dusei: A Personal Response to C.J. Cherryh’s The Faded Sun.”
- Beach, Sarah. “Loss and Recompense: Responsibilities in Beowulf.”
- GoodKnight, Glen H. Editorial Introduction: In This Issue.
- Christopher, Joe R., and Wayne G. Hammond. An Inklings Bibliography (45).
- Kondratiev, Alexei. “Tales Newly Told.”
- Hyde, Paul Nolan. “Quenti Lambardillion.”
- Letters.
- The Lord of the Rings. J.R.R. Tolkien, Illus. by Alan Lee. Reviewed by Nancy-Lou Patterson.
- The Lord of the Rings. J.R.R. Tolkien, Illus. by Alan Lee. Reviewed by Paula DiSante.
- Farmer Giles of Ham. J.R.R. Tolkien. Reviewed by Nancy-Lou Patterson.
- The Adventures of Tom Bombadil. J.R.R. Tolkien. Reviewed by Nancy-Lou Patterson.
- Smith of Wooton Major. J.R.R. Tolkien. Reviewed by Nancy-Lou Patterson.
- Christian Reunion and Other Essays. C.S. Lewis. Reviewed by Nancy-Lou Patterson.
Mythlore 68 - print copy - $3.50