A scholarly, peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study of mythopoeic literature
A scholarly, peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study of mythopoeic literature
Mythlore 7 Volume 2, Issue 3 (purchase below)
1971, 27 pages
Table of Contents
GoodKnight, Glen. The Voice of Tash. 3.GoodKnight, Glen. World of Fanzines. 8.
Zuber, Bernie. Across the Brandywine. 11.
Missive to Mythlore. 27.
GoodKnight, Glen. Editorial: "Lewis, Power, and Science." 27.
Marmor, Paula. "An Etymological Excursion among the Shire Folk." 4.Hannay, Margaret P. "Orual: The Search for Justice." 5-6.
Masson, Keith. "Tom Bombadil: A Critical Essay." 7-8.
Howard, Claire. "The Vented Spleen." Review of J.R.R. Tolkien by Catharine R. Stimpson. 9-11.
Christopher, Joe R. "An Introduction to Narnia, Part 2: The Geography of the Chronicles." 12-16, 27.
Mythcon Reports. 23+.
Christopher, Joe R. "In the C.S. Lewis Tradition: Two Short Stories by Anthony Boucher." 25.
Williams, Charles. "The Noises That Weren't There. Chapter 2: The Voice of the Rat." 17-23.Poetry
Williams, Charles. "Ballade of a Street Door." 18.Peoples, Galen. "Lilith, Out of Heaven." 19.
Alpajpuri | 19 |
Bonnie Bergstrom | cover, 3, 5, 8, 17, 20, 22, 26 |
Davidson | 9, 10 |
Tim Kirk | 4, 12, 13, 14, 15 |
Steve McIntosh | 27 |
Paula Marmor | 11, back cover |
Diana Paxson | 25 |
Joe Pearson | 10 |
Don Smith | 11 |
Bernie Zuber | 7, 23 |
- Cover: Bonnie Bergstrom, "Now we were before it and I could see the story it told" from Till We Have Faces by C.S. Lewis
- Back Cover: Paula Marmor, "Castamir the Usurper"
Mythlore 7 - print copy - $3.50