A scholarly, peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study of mythopoeic literature
A scholarly, peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study of mythopoeic literature
Mythlore 71 Volume 19, Issue 1 (purchase below)
Winter 1993
Table of Contents
- Rawls, Melanie A. “The Verse of J.R.R. Tolkien.”
- Myers, Doris T. “Law and Disorder: Two Settings in That Hideous Strength.”
- Beach, Charles. “‘Courtesy’ in Charles Williams’s The Greater Trumps.”
- Hughes, Melinda. “Dark Sisters and Light Sisters: Sister Doubles and the Search for Sisterhood in The Mists of Avalon and The White Raven.”
- GoodKnight, Glen H. “Twenty-five Years with The Mythopoeic Society: A Personal Response.”
- Power, Canon Norman. “J.R.R. Tolkien.”
- Plotz, Richard. “Tolkien and I: A Brief Memoir.”
- Sarjeant, William A.S. “Where Did The Dwarves Come From?”
- Laurent, John. “C.S. Lewis and Animal Rights.”
- GoodKnight, Glen. Editorial Introduction: In This Issue.
- Mythlore Staff. “Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of The Mythopoeic Society.”
- Christopher, Joe R., and Wayne G. Hammond. An Inklings Bibliography (48).
- Kondratiev, Alexei. “Tales Newly Told.”
- Letters.
- Patterson, Nancy-Lou, Mary Stolzenbach, Bernie Zuber, and Diana L. Paxson. “25 Years: The Mythopoeic Society Appreciations.”
- Beach, Sarah, Paula DiSante, Patrick Wynne, and Denis Gordeyev. “Artists’ Comments.”
- C.S. Lewis. Catherine Swift. Reviewed by Nancy-Lou Patterson.
- The Tolkien Family Album. John and Priscilla Tolkien. Reviewed by Glen GoodKnight.
- Dinotopia: A Land Apart from Time. James Gurney. Reviewed by Glen GoodKnight.
- The Golden Thread: Essays on George MacDonald. Walter Raeper. Reviewed by Nancy-Lou Patterson.
- J.R.R. Tolkien, Architect of Middle-earth. Daniel Grotta. Reviewed by Glen GoodKnight.
- Fish Soup. Ursula K. Le Guin. Reviewed by Nancy-Lou Patterson.
Mythlore 71 - print copy - $3.50