A scholarly, peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study of mythopoeic literature
A scholarly, peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study of mythopoeic literature
Mythlore 78 Volume 20, Issue 4 (purchase below)
Winter 1995
Table of Contents
- GoodKnight, Glen. “The Search for Spring.”
- Keene, Louise E. “The Restoration of Language in Middle-earth.”
- Diener, Astrid. “An Interview with Owen Barfield.”
- Padol, Lisa. “Whose English?: Language in the Modern Arthurian Novel.”
- Stolzenbach, Mary M. “Braid Yorkshire: The Language of Myth?”
- Sarjeant, William A. S. “A Forgotten Children’s Fantasy: Philip Woodruff’s The Sword of Northumbria.”
- Yolen, Jane. “Dark Mirrors: The Scholar Guest of Honor Address from the 1993 Mythopoeic Conference.”
- Hammond, Wayne G. “Seraphim, Cherubim, and Virtual Unicorns: Order and Being in Madeleine L’Engle’s Time Quartet.”
- Riso, Mary. “Awakening in Fairyland: The Journey of a Soul in George MacDonald’s The Golden Key.”
- Gorman, Anita G. “J.R.R. Tolkien’s ‘Leaf by Niggle’: Word Pairs and Paradoxes.”
- GoodKnight, Glen. Editorial Introduction: In This Issue.
- Christopher, Joe R., and Wayne G. Hammond. An Inklings Bibliography (54).
- Kondratiev, Alexei. “Tales Newly Told.”
- The Chronicles of Narnia. C.S. Lewis. Reviewed by Glen GoodKnight.
- The 1995 J.R.R. Tolkien Calendar. Art by John Howe. Reviewed by Paula DiSante.
- Essential Writings in Spirituality and Theology. Charles Williams. Reviewed by Nancy-Lou Patterson.
- The Collected Poems of C.S. Lewis. C.S. Lewis. Reviewed by Nancy-Lou Patterson.
Mythlore 78 - print copy - $3.50