A scholarly, peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study of mythopoeic literature
A scholarly, peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study of mythopoeic literature
Mythlore 79 Volume 21, Issue 1 (purchase below)
Summer 1995
Table of Contents
- Houghton, John. “Augustine and the Ainulindale.”
- Serrano, Amanda. “T.H. White’s Defence of Guenever: Portrait of a ‘Real’ Person.”
- Loney, Douglas. “C.S. Lewis’s Debt to E.M. Forster’s ‘The Celestial Omnibus’ and Other Stories.”
- Adderley, C. M. “Preliminary Matters: The Neglected Preludes to Charles Williams’s Arthuriad.”
- Hill, Darci N. “‘The Church Militant’ Resurrected: Mythic Elements in George Herbert’s The Temple.”
- Smith, Arden R. “Duzen and Ihrzen in the German Translation of The Lord of the Rings.”
- Christopher, Joe R. “C.S. Lewis’s Linguistic Myth.”
- Simmons, Joe. “Fantasy Art and Warrior Women: An Aesthetic Critique of Feminine Images.”
- GoodKnight, Glen. Editorial Introduction: In This Issue.
- Christopher, Joe R., and Wayne G. Hammond. An Inklings Bibliography (55).
- DiSante, Paula. “Artist's Comment.”
- A Book of Narnians: The Lion, the Witch, and the Others. C.S. Lewis. Reviewed by Nancy-Lou Patterson.
- The Map of Tolkien’s Middle-earth. Text by Brian Sibley, Images by John Howe. Reviewed by Glen GoodKnight.
- The Chronicles of Narnia: The Patterning of a Fantastic World. Colin Manlove. Reviewed by Nancy-Lou Patterson.
- The Man Who Created Narnia: The Story of C.S. Lewis. Michael Coren. Reviewed by Nancy-Lou Patterson.
- A Barfield Sampler: Poetry and Fiction by Owen Barfield. Edited by Jeanne Clayton Hunter and Thomas Kranidas. Reviewed by David Bratman.
- C.S. Lewis in Context. Doris T. Myers. Reviewed by Nancy-Lou Patterson.
- Essays on C.S. Lewis and George MacDonald: Truth, Fiction, and the Power of the Imagination. Cynthia Marshall. Reviewed by Nancy-Lou Patterson.
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