A scholarly, peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study of mythopoeic literature
A scholarly, peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study of mythopoeic literature
Mythlore 84 Volume 22, Issue 2 (purchase below)
Summer 1998
C.S. Lewis Centenary issue
Table of Contents
- Myers, Doris T. “Hrossa, Pigs, and Teddy Bears: The Animal Kingdom According to C.S. Lewis.”
- Glyer, Diana Pavlac. “Joy Davidman Lewis: Author, Editor and Collaborator.”
- Werner, Mary. “Forbidden Foods and Guilty Pleasures in Lewis’s The Lion, The Witch, & The Wardrobe & Christina Rosetti’s ‘Goblin Market’.”
- Hill, Darci. “Mark Studdock’s Heroism: Another Look at That Hideous Strength.”
- Patterson, Nancy-Lou. “‘Miraculous Bread… Miraculous Wine’: Eucharistic Motifs in the Fantasies of C.S. Lewis.”
- Sayers, William. “C.S. Lewis and the Toponym Narnia.”
- GoodKnight, Glen. “A C.S. Lewis Related Cumulative Index of Mythlore, Issues 1-84."
- GoodKnight, Glen. Editorial.
- Hammond, Wayne G., and Christopher, J. R. An Inklings Bibliography (57).
- Simply C.S. Lewis: A Beginner’s Guide to the Life and Works of C.S. Lewis. Thomas C. Peters. Reviewed by Nancy-Lou Patterson.
- C.S. Lewis, Lightbearer in the Shadowlands: The Evangelistic Vision of C.S. Lewis. Ed. by Angus J.L. Menuge. Reviewed by Nancy-Lou Patterson.
- VII, An Anglo-American Literary Review. Volume 14, 1997. Reviewed by Nancy-Lou Patterson.
- C.S. Lewis, A Companion and Guide. Walter Hooper. Reviewed by Nancy-Lou Patterson.
- Heaven and Earth in the Middle Ages. Rudolf Simak. Reviewed by Nancy-Lou Patterson.
- The Green Man. Kathleen Basford. Reviewed by Nancy-Lou Patterson.
- A Dictionary of Fabulous Beasts. Richard Barber and Anne Riches. Reviewed by Nancy-Lou Patterson.
- C.S. Lewis, Life at the Center. Perry Bramlett. Reviewed by Nancy-Lou Patterson.
- The Letters of Doroty L. Sayers, Volume Two, 1937-1943: from Novelist to Playwright. Ed. by Barbara Reynolds. Reviewed by Nancy-Lou Patterson.
- The Years of Confusion. Mary McDermott Shiedeler. Reviewed by Nancy-Lou Patterson.
Mythlore 84 - print copy - $3.50