A scholarly, peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study of mythopoeic literature

Mythlore 9 Volume 3, Issue 1     (purchase below)

1973, 31 pages
Same as Tolkien Journal #16; photocopy

Table of Contents


Allen, James. "Genesis of The Lord of the Rings: A Study of Saga Development." 3.

Paxson, Diana. "The Holy Grail." 10-11, 31.

Christopher, Joe R. "An Introduction to Narnia, Part 4: The Literary Classification of the Chronicles." 12-15, 27.

"The Mythopoeic Press: A Proposal." 18+.

GoodKnight, Glen and Frederick M. Brenion. "Walter Hooper -- A Thank You." 28+.


Zuber, Bernie. Across the Brandywine. 16+.

Missives to Mythlore. 20+.

Patterson, Nancy-Lou. "Gracia-Fay Ellwood: Good News from Tolkien's Middle Earth: Two Essays on the 'Applicability' of The Lord of the Rings." Review of Good News From Tolkien's Middle Earth by Gracia-Fay Ellwood. 25-26.

Christopher, Joe R. "Tolkien Criticism: An Annotated Checklist." Review of Tolkien Criticism: An Annotated Checklist compiled by Richard C. West. 26-27.

GoodKnight, Glen. The Counsel of Elrond. 30.


Annette Harper cover, 19
John Urmacher 2, back cover
Bonnie GoodKnight 3, 28, 30
Diana Paxson 10, 11
Tim Kirk 16, 20, 25, 31
Paula Marmor 21, 22
James Shull 23

Mythlore 9 - print copy - $3.50

Mythlore/Tolkien Journal Issues

Content copyright 1967- - The Mythopoeic Society - All rights reserved.