
OMS History

To give its far-flung membership a chance to meet, and to present papers orally with audience response, The Mythopoeic Society has been holding conferences since its early days. For fifty years, these were in-person summer events, but in 2021 the traditional Mythcon was constrained to hold its meeting online only, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. After the success of this online version, the Society instituted an annual virtual conference, midway between Mythcons. The first Online Midwinter Seminar (OMS) was conducted in February 2022. The OMS supplements Mythcon, first of all by providing an additional opportunity for presenting papers and holding discussions, and secondly by allowing for attendance by those who find it difficult to attend in person, whether for reasons of travel options, disabilities, or financial issues.

Past Online Seminars By Date and Theme

Mythcon 51
July 31 - August 1, 2021
A Virtual "Halfling" Mythcon -- could be considered "OMS zero"
Held online via Zoom and Discord, this was the precursor to the official OMS.

OMS 1 (2022)
The Inklings and Horror: Fantasy's Dark Corners
February 4 - 5, 2022
Sponsored by the Writers of the Rohirrim

OMS 2 (2023)
Fantasy Goes to Hell: Depictions of Hell in Modern Fantasy Texts
August 5-6, 2023

OMS 3 (2024)
Something Mighty Queer: queerness in fantasy, science fiction, speculative fiction, and other mythopoeic work
February 17-18, 2024

Contents copyright 1967- The Mythopoeic Society All rights reserved.