Mythcon 47 - August 5-8, 2016

Mythcon 47 will be held at the Omni San Antonio Hotel at the Colonnade,
San Antonio, Texas.
August 5-8, 2016
Registration Hours:
Located at the La Jolla Ballroom
Friday, August 5th - 1 p.m. - 5 p.m.Saturday, August 6th - 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Sunday, August 7th - 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Monday, August 8th - 8 a.m. - 10 a.m.
At-the-door Mythcon Registration Prices:
Mythcon 47 - full conference (Friday-Monday)Mythopoeic Society Members: full conference $90
Non-members: full conference $110
Students*: full conference $70
Mythcon 47 Day Rates:
Friday: $30 ($25 MythSoc members and students)
Saturday: $50 ($45 MythSoc members and students)
Sunday: $50 ($45 MythSoc members and students)
Monday: $30 ($25 MythSoc members and students)
Please note: we cannot guarantee that Mythcon 47 Program Books will be available for At-the-Door members and Day members as we may run out.
* Full-time students (12 or more credit hours per semester/quarter at an accredited college or university); please be prepared to present current, active student ID at check-in to get this rate. For children attending with parent(s) or legal guardian(s), 12 and under are free, 12 to 18 pay student rate.
Content copyright 1967- The Mythopoeic Society All rights reserved.