News Archive from 2010

Student Paper Award Named In Honor of Alexei Kondratiev
Posted on June 9, 2010

In March, we announced a new annual award for best paper presented by an undergraduate or graduate student that will be awarded for the first time at Mythcon 41 in Dallas, Texas this summer. That award has been re-named in honor of our recently deceased colleague and long-time Mythopoeic Society member Alexei Kondratiev. Alexei was a remarkable man with an amazing mind. He was a true scholar who pursued knowledge with passion and used his ability to track multiple elements simultaneously to reveal patterns that escaped most of us. Alexei was a linguist par excellence and an outstanding teacher. Alexei was the Scholar Guest of Honor at Mythcon 33 in Boulder, Colorado in 2002, and the author of a long-running book review column in Mythlore. Alexei was generous with his knowledge and his encouragement; we would like to think he would have appreciated this award, designed to encourage young scholars, being named in his honor. He will be sorely missed.

The application deadline for the 2010 Alexei Kondratiev Memorial Student Paper Award has been extended through midnight at the end of June 15. Finished papers must be emailed to the award committee chair by midnight at the end June 28.

Download Announcement / Application Form (PDF)

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