Mythcon 50 - SDSU Images
August 2-5, 2019

Mythcon 50
Looking Back, Moving Forward
San Diego, California
August 2-5, 2019
August 2-5, 2019
Mythcon 50 Check-in Procedures
Progress Report #1 - with downloadable PDF
Progress Report #2 - with downloadable PDF
SDSU Campus photos and directions for Mythcon 50 - August 2-5, 2019
Campus Map with route from Parking StructuresProcession Meeting Point
FRIDAY ONLY: Mythcon registration in South Campus Plaza Lobby
Red "door release" button
Simplified map of the portion of SDSU and buildings relevant to Mythcon 50

San Diego State University provides wonderful programming space and South Campus Plaza dorm housing is similar to rooms we’ve recently occupied in Illinois, Massachusetts, and Berkeley Mythcons. Programming will be located in the Aztec Student Union, approximately 600 feet from our housing units if you walk straight up College Avenue, or about 800 feet from The Garden cafeteria in Cuicacalli, across the Aztec Walk East “sky-bridge” — fun for the Procession!
Google maps walking directions from Cuicacalli to the Aztec Student Union: The Garden cafeteria is at Cuicacalli Residence Hall, upstairs - there is an elevator, too, just to the left of the entrance of Cuicacalli.
Campus Map below (partial):
Parking Structures 3 and 4 are shown in grey on the lower right side. There is a turquoise line drawn along the route we recommend to walk from parking to South Campus Plaza, South Tower: from either P3 or P4 cross East Campus Drive at the crosswalk and walk west (along Aztec Walk East/Cuic Walkway); at the circle veer left and continue south on Cantina Way across Lindo Paseo; walk west on Lindo Paseo across College Avenue and then south on College until you reach the entrance to the South Tower of South Campus Plaza. (You can walk along Montezuma Road to College Avenue but the sidewalk is narrow and not in good repair). The Procession - Saturday morning at 9:00 - will meet at the circle and cross the "sky bridge" to the Aztec Student Union.

If you park in Lot 3, the third level is actually street level, at the southwest end of the building. There is a crosswalk across East Campus Drive which takes you to Aztec Walk East and Cuicacalli is on the right (north) side as you head west.

Entrance to Cuicacalli Residence Hall and the Garden cafeteria, upstairs (the elevator is inside the archway, on the left side); this is where we will have breakfast and dinner.
MEET HERE for the Procession and to go to PROGRAMMING in the Student Union: Continue walking west, past Cuicacalli, and you come to the point where "Aztec Walk East" (Google Maps' label; apparently the SDSU people refer to it as the "Cuic Walkway" - sounds like "kweek") turns north (to the right) and you can see the pedestrian bridge, mythopoeic-ly referred to as the "Sky Bridge," which crosses over College Avenue and leads directly to the Conrad Prebys Aztec Student Union.

The "Sky Bridge" and view of the Aztec Student Union.

TO GO TO South Campus Plaza, South Tower (our housing dorm): Continue walking west, past Cuicacalli. This is where we will meet for the Procession on Saturday morning (and turn right to cross the bridge to the Aztec Student Union) - but, heading to the dorm, you will veer left.

This will take you down "Cantina Way" behind the 7-11 and the Jack-in-the-Box.

At the end of the block you can see College Ave., with Trader Joe's on the NW corner and The Broken Yolk on the SW corner.

Approaching the corner of College Ave., with Trader Joe's on the NW corner and The Broken Yolk on the SW corner, and Starbucks on the SE corner.

View of the South Tower of the South Campus Plaza.

Front of the South Tower, South Campus Plaza.
Lobby of the South Tower, South Campus Plaza: Friday afternoon we'll have tables set up along the right hand wall for Mythcon 50 registration and check-in; you'll pick up your reg pack and name badge here. You will check in to the dorm with SDSU staff at the front desk (you'll also check out at the front desk).

HOLD your tap card against the sensor in the elevator to select your floor.

Outside the elevator on each floor is an open "lounge" area.

...more of the view of the open "lounge" area.
Big red button! The door to each dorm room is held open by an electromagnet; press this button to release the magnet and close the door; you can also see the room's HVAC thermostat beside it.

ADA compliant rooms have a shower with a fold-down seat.
Small microwave and refrigerator in each room....
Triple room bunks: we won't put three people in one room but this shows how the 2nd upper bunk is configured.

Water filling station and water fountain beside it (near the lounge/elevator area).

How to deal with trash: read the signs, follow the instructions! (near the lounge/elevator area)

Trash chutes: rubbish and recycling.

Trash bins: blue recycling and black rubbish, for stuff too big for the chutes.
LEAVING the dorm: From the front of the South Tower, South Campus Plaza, looking up College Ave toward the SDSU Transit Center and the Aztec Student Union.

DECISIONS! At this point you decide if you're going to Cuicacalli and The Garden cafeteria or if you're walking straight up College Ave toward the SDSU Transit Center and the Aztec Student Union.

TO GO TO the Student Union: looking up College Ave toward the SDSU Transit Center and the Aztec Student Union.
The SDSU Transit Center is just ahead, the Aztec Student Union beyond it and slightly to the right, and the "Sky Bridge" coming from Cuicacalli is also visible.

Corner of the Aztec Student Union, looking at the "sky bridge" from near the SDSU Transit Center
Entering the Aztec Student Union from the southwest corner, by the SDSU Transit Center.
The indoor patio area behind The Habit and Chipotle, west side of the Aztec Student Union.

If you have LOTS of luggage to unload and you have your tap card, you can enter the South Tower via this alley loading area. Do NOT leave your car unattended and do NOT park in the small lot west of the alley! (they tow).

Wider view of the alley loading area. Do NOT leave your car unattended and do NOT park in the small lot west of the alley! (they tow).

The alley loading area behind South Tower, South Campus Plaza. Do NOT leave your car unattended and do NOT park in the small lot west of the alley! (they tow).

...BUT TO GO TO Cuicacalli and The Garden cafeteria: cross College Ave at Lindo Paseo and continue walking east.

The view as you walk up Cantina Way: the Sky Bridge is straight ahead and over on the right side is "Aztec Walk East" (or the Cuic Walkway) where you'd turn right to go to Cuicacalli and the Garden Cafeteria.

Turn right here to go to Cuicacalli and the Garden Cafeteria.

Continue heading east along the walkway; Cuicacalli and the Garden Cafeteria are visible coming up on the left (north) side.

Cuicacalli and the Garden Cafeteria are here on the left (north) side.

TO GO TO PARKING LOT 3: Cuicacalli and The Garden cafeteria on the left, straight ahead is Parking Lot 3.

SDSU Transit Center: This is the lower-level entrance to the trolley at the SDSU Transit Center.

Inside it looks rather like this:
The SDSU Transit Center is situated at the southwest corner of the Aztec Student Union (here's a 360-degree image from the SDSU American Language Institute on Facebook).

Map NOT to scale!
We are on the Green Line (by the way, "Sycuan" and "UC San Diego" and "SDGE" are sponsors; these are not destinations!).
Folks coming from the airport will likely get on the trolley at the Santa Fe Depot (the Blue Line also meets at that point); the SDSU Transit Center is the 14th stop after the depot (just above the "n" in "Line").
Content copyright 1967- The Mythopoeic Society All rights reserved.