Mythcon 50 - CHANGES to Room & Board and Parking
August 2-5, 2019

Mythcon 50
Looking Back, Moving Forward
San Diego, California
August 2-5, 2019
August 2-5, 2019
POST-MYTHCON Announcement: Congratulations! Everybody turned in their room keys and tap cards! Lisa has started the process of refunding deposits paid via Square and Lynn has started voiding checks. If you paid by check please expect an email from 4mythcon at gmail; if you don't receive an email please email so we can make sure we have your current email address (we get most of your email addresses from PayPal and sometimes people don't update their email addresses with PayPal).
Progress Report #2 - with downloadable PDF
Progress Report #1 - with downloadable PDF
Room & Board and Parking
Housing Update, SDSU Campus photos and directions for Mythcon 50
ARRIVAL & Check-in:
FRIDAY August 2ndMost conference members will arrive on Friday. Conference registration will open at NOON in the Lobby of the South Campus Plaza South Tower (street address for the South Tower is 5120 College Ave, San Diego, CA 92115; the phone at the front desk, staffed 24/7, is 1-619-594-2844) and after picking up your Mythcon 50 Registration Packet, if you are staying on campus you will step over to the South Tower "front desk," sign-in and receive your tap-card and room key; you will also sign them back in, at the end of your stay on campus, or you will be charged $50 each for their loss.
IF you paid for room & board or a Commuter Dinners Package, your wristband for meals will be inside your Reg Pack. IF you paid for an individual Banquet ticket, it will be inside your Reg Pack.
PLEASE NOTE: you'll need your wristband to get your meals at The Garden cafeteria (it will be checked at the Banquet, too). If you want wine or beer at the Banquet you will need to bring your ID: this applies to EVERYONE, not just folks who look young enough to be carded!
ALSO Note: there are *no restrooms* in The Garden cafeteria; if nature calls, you have to go downstairs to the Cuicacalli Lobby restrooms. If you're not finished and want to RETURN to the cafeteria, please get a token or pass from the cashier before leaving! Otherwise they will count you TWICE and charge us double for your meal.
Please read up on Parking and Unloading here. IF you paid for a parking permit on FRIDAY AFTERNOON it will be with the Parking Permit Runner; please call (no longer valid) and advise your location. You will need to provide ID and sign for your permit. Please remember that there is NO free parking on the SDSU campus and we have no idea at what time parking enforcement may visit any lot on campus to ticket violators; therefore we STRONGLY recommend you do not leave your car alone in an SDSU parking lot without your parking permit! Consider parking briefly in the lot on Lindo Paseo (used by Trader Joe's), west of College Avenue; it charges $2 per hour, cheaper than the campus lot's hourly rate.
THURSDAY August 1st
Those conference members arriving early will need to check-in at the South Campus Plaza South Tower unless notified otherwise by email (street address for the South Tower is 5120 College Ave, San Diego, CA 92115; the phone at the front desk, staffed 24/7, is 1-619-594-2844). The SDSU staff at the front desk will have you sign for your tap-card and room key; you will also sign them back in, at the end of your stay on campus, or you will be charged $50 each for their loss. Keep an eye out for other early-arriving Mythies and make yourself known! You will probably be able to procure your Mythcon 50 Registration Packet Thursday night; if not, you may collect it when Registration opens at noon on FRIDAY (SCP South Tower Lobby). YOU WILL NEED your meal wristband for breakfast and lunch at The Garden cafeteria on Friday; if you haven't connected with the committee please call (no longer valid) and we'll get your meal wristband to you.
Please read up on Parking and Unloading here. IF you paid for a parking permit on THURSDAY it will be with the Mythcon Committee: please call (no longer valid) and advise your location. If the Parking Permit Runner is available, he may meet you with your permit; you will need to provide ID and sign for it. Please remember that there is NO free parking on the SDSU campus and we have no idea at what time parking enforcement may visit any lot on campus to ticket violators; therefore we STRONGLY recommend you do not leave your car alone in an SDSU parking lot without your parking permit! Consider parking briefly in the lot on Lindo Paseo (used by Trader Joe's), west of College Avenue; it charges $2 per hour, cheaper than the campus lot's hourly rate.
PLEASE NOTE: you'll need your wristband to get your meals at The Garden cafeteria (it will be checked at the Banquet, too). If you want wine or beer at the Banquet you will need to bring your ID: this applies to EVERYONE, not just folks who look young enough to be carded!
ALSO Note: there are *no restrooms* in The Garden cafeteria; if nature calls, you have to go downstairs to the Cuicacalli Lobby restrooms. If you're not finished and want to RETURN to the cafeteria, please get a token or pass from the cashier before leaving! Otherwise they will count you TWICE and charge us double for your meal.
On July 2, the day after Progress Report #2 was sent out, we learned that SDSU has taken Cuicacalli Residence Hall offline for summer conferences in order to do some renovation work before the fall term starts, thus all earlier references (PR#1, the PDF of PR#2) to housing in the Cuicacalli Residence Hall are moot. EVERYONE will be housed in South Campus Plaza (street address for the South Tower is 5120 College Ave, San Diego, CA 92115; the phone at the front desk, staffed 24/7, is 1-619-594-2844) at the same rate we were quoted for Cuicacalli, except for some conference members who require double rooms and can't use a "lofted bed" - these 35 conference members will be housed in the South Campus Plaza North Tower; if you fall into that category you will get a special email from Lynn Maudlin providing details. It also means that folks who have already paid extra to stay in South Campus Plaza will have the overage refunded to them after Mythcon, unless you want to turn it into a donation to the Society or have it applied to your membership in Mythcon 51 (we'll provide a way to let us know your preference).MEALS (breakfast & dinner except the Banquet) will still be served at The Garden cafeteria, upstairs at Cuicacalli, giving us a nice morning walk and a post-prandial stroll, too.
We will be given access to the pool at Tenochca ("ten-no-ch-ka") Residence Hall, for those who are interested in swimming.
REMEMBER, the full conference room & board package includes Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights in the dorm (South Campus Plaza) and meals include dinner on Friday and Saturday, breakfast on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday - all at The Garden cafeteria in the Cuicacalli Residence Hall. The Sunday night banquet will be in the Tula Community Center, very close to Cuicacalli, ALSO INCLUDED in the room & board package.
People who have purchased "extra nights" at SDSU have breakfast and lunch in The Garden cafeteria included (as the least expensive two-meal combination - you don't have to eat these meals but you do have to pay for them!). For folks arriving on Thursday, this means Friday breakfast and lunch are included in your Thursday overnight. Then Friday dinner will be the first meal of the full room & board package.
The meals included in the complete room & board package are:
Friday night dinner; Saturday breakfast; Saturday dinner; Sunday breakfast; Sunday night Banquet; Monday breakfast.
Though lunches are not included in the pre-paid meal plan, there’s an easy and inexpensive way to get it: there are several fast-casual vendors in the Student Union itself, just downstairs from our conference rooms, primarily Oggi's Pizza, The Habit, and Chipotle (unfortunately we just learned that Oggi's and The Habit are CLOSED WEEKENDS during the summer but we've requested they open on August 3rd & 4th; it's possible but not certain). Immediately behind The Habit and Chipotle is an indoor patio area with long tables where we may dine together, as we do in the cafeteria.
If none of these options appeals to you, there are many other off-campus food vendors within very short walking distance, including Trader Joe's market (meal-sized salads, fruit, veg, burritos, etc. - and you have a small refrigerator and microwave in your room); this list is online and will be included in the registraton packet, too.
NOTE: The Garden cafeteria does sell individual meals so, if you are commuting or staying off-campus and want to join us for dinner on Friday and/or Saturday, you may pay at the door with a credit card (no cash).
Parking will be available in P3 or P4 (parking garages across Campus Drive from Cuicacalli); we recommend buying a one-week parking pass, available on our website. It’s also possible to buy parking from the machines located within the garages. There is no free parking at SDSU, not even for those with disabled plates/permits. Detailed information is here. Lot 3 and Lot 4 are the closest to our location on campus; please note that Level 3 by the elevator in Parking Lot 3 puts you on street level and you won't have to deal with any stairs. Please see partial campus map, below.For your information: Parking permits purchased on your own at the kiosks, SDSU posted costs (Pay Stations & PayByPhone):
1 - 4 hours $3 per hour
5 to 10 hours $15
Overnight $20 (one night)*
Weekend $30
please note: you cannot use PayByPhone to buy overnight parking in Lot 3 but you may buy overnight parking at the kiosk.
Campus Map below (partial):
Parking Structures 3 and 4 are shown in grey on the lower right side. There is a turquoise line drawn along the recommended route for walking from parking to South Campus Plaza, South Tower: from either P3 or P4 cross East Campus Drive at the crosswalk and walk west (along Aztec Walk East/Cuic Walkway); at the end veer left and continue south on Cantina Way across Lindo Paseo; walk west on Lindo Paseo across College Avenue and then south on College until you reach the entrance to the South Tower of South Campus Plaza. (You can walk along Montezuma Road to College Avenue but the sidewalk is narrow and not in good repair).

Conference Venue
San Diego State University provides wonderful programming space which will on the second floor of the Aztec Student Union, approximately 800 feet from The Garden cafeteria at Cuicacalli, across the Aztec Walk East “sky-bridge” — fun for the Procession!Google maps walking directions from Cuicacalli to the Aztec Student Union: The Garden cafeteria is upstairs at Cuicacalli (there is an elevator as well as stairs).

If you park in Lot 3 or Lot 4 and you enter the structure from East Campus Drive, you will enter on the third level; at the southwest end of Lot 3 you can walk straight onto the sidewalk. There is a crosswalk between Lot 3 & Lot 4 which crosses East Campus Drive and takes you to Aztec Walk East; Cuicacalli and The Garden cafeteria is on the right (north) side as you head west.

Entrance to Cuicacalli Residence Hall and the Garden cafeteria, upstairs (elevator is inside the archway, on the left side).
MEET HERE for the Procession and to go to PROGRAMMING in the Student Union: Continue walking west, past Cuicacalli, and you come to the point where "Aztec Walk East" (Google Maps' label; apparently the SDSU people refer to it as the "Cuic Walkway" - sounds like "kweek") turns north (to the right) and you can see the pedestrian bridge, mythopoeic-ly referred to as the "Sky Bridge," which crosses over College Avenue and leads directly to the Conrad Prebys Aztec Student Union.

The "Sky Bridge" leads directly to the Aztec Student Union.

TO GO TO South Campus Plaza, South Tower (our housing dorm): Veer left, instead of turning right (north) to cross the bridge.

This will take you down "Cantina Way" behind the 7-11 and the Jack-in-the-Box.
Click through to see more images of the parts of SDSU we'll be using.
Content copyright 1967- The Mythopoeic Society All rights reserved.