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Winners of the 2024 Mythopoeic Awards have been announced!

Updated on August 4, 2024

The winners of the 2024 Mythopoeic Awards have been announced.

This year, there are three Literature categories (Adult, Young Adult, and Children’s), plus scholarship awards in Inklings Studies and Myth & Fantasy Studies.

Click HERE for the press release, in PDF format, or HERE for the web page version.

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We have put an unformatted archive of the retired MythAnn ("Mythopoeic Announcements") group here, for historic purposes.

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You can also connect with many of your fellow mythies via Goodreads, for instance, the Mythcon 43 Reading Group, or see some Mythopoeic photos in the MythSoc group on Flickr.

You can also help the Society fund its activities, including the “Starving Scholars Fund”, formally renamed the Glen GoodKnight Memorial Scholarship Fund, when you shop at Amazon, by following a link from our website.

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