About the Society
Discussion Groups: Butterbur's Woodshed

Butterbur's Woodshed Guidelines
Topics for 2005-2006
- September 2005: Andre Norton
- November 2005: The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova
- January 2006: Elantris by Brandon Sanderson
- March 2006: Sea of Trolls by Nancy Farmer
- May 2006: Mythopoeic Fantasy Award Nominees
- July 2006: Mazes and Gardens of Fantasy
Butterbur's Woodshed Guidelines
- Butterbur's Woodshed is a bi-monthly Amateur Press Association (APA) publication sponsored by the Mythopoeic Society and functioning as a discussion group by mail. Membership in the Mythopoeic Society is not required for participation.
- BW focuses on contemporary adult fantasy literature with a specific discussion topic chosen for each mailing. Although it is not required that all contributions discuss the current issue topic, members are expected to have an interest in contemporary fantasy literature and to participate in discussions.
- This APA supports the Mythopoeic Society's annual Mythopoeic Fantasy Awards, and participants in BW are encouraged to join the Society's MFA committee if they have an interest in helping to choose these awards.
- Deadlines for receipt of contributions by the Editor are the first days of odd-numbered months. Minimum Activity required to maintain membership (Minac) is two pages for every other issue, of original material intended primarily for the APA. (Please note that submissions via electronic mail cannot be accepted.)
- Members are encouraged to print their own contributions (double sided, unbound). Each member is responsible for mailing costs and any duplicating done by the Editor, by maintaining a positive balance in their financial account (money to be paid to the Editor). Separate financial accounts will be kept for each member. Departing members' accounts will be frozen with the APA.
- Membership is currently open to anyone interested in participating. Membership may be shared by two or more people at the same address, who will receive a single mailing, share a single Minac requirement and have a single financial account.
- Material published in Butterbur's Woodshed may not be distributed further without permission from the participants. Distribution of discussions is discouraged, although members are free to republish their own material in review or essay form.
- The Editor reserves the right to make and distribute additional copies of any mailing for the purpose of encouraging participation, as well as to make any and all final decisions regarding the operation and rules of this APA.
- Contributions should be sent to the Production Editor:
To receive more information on participation in Butterbur's Woodshed, contact the editor:
Diane Joy Baker 1512 W. North Bend #3
Cincinnati, OH 45224
E-mail: dianejoy@earthlink.net
Content copyright 1967-2025 The Mythopoeic Society All rights reserved