About the Society

Discussion Groups: Butterbur's Woodshed

butterburs-woodshed-logo Butterbur's Woodshed is a (currently-inactive) discussion group by mail (also known as an "amateur press assocation" or "APA") sponsored by the Mythopoeic Society. It focuses on contemporary fantasy literature and supports the Society's Mythopoeic Fantasy Awards with specific topics chosen for each issue. Members contribute by writing on the specific topic each month and sending copies to the editor to be collated and mailed. (This is not a magazine, and does not offer subscriptions to people not interested in participating in the discussions.) Butterbur's Woodshed is published bimonthly with deadlines the first of odd-numbered months.

Butterbur's Woodshed Guidelines

Topics for 2005-2006

Butterbur's Woodshed Guidelines

To receive more information on participation in Butterbur's Woodshed, contact the editor:

Diane Joy Baker 1512 W. North Bend #3
Cincinnati, OH 45224

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