News Archive from 2013

Web Content Editor Needed
Posted on February 9, 2013

The Mythopoeic Society is in need of a new Webmaster. Our departing Webmaster is willing to train the successful candidate how to make changes now, and how to continue improving the content management system for future changes.


Required Skills

An interest in and knowledge of fantasy fiction, especially our core authors, is desirable but not required. The Webmaster is ex officio a member of the Council of Stewards, the governing board of the Mythopoeic Society. Three of four quarterly meetings are held via conference call (paid for by the Society) and a fourth is held at our annual conference, AKA “Mythcon.”

The Mythopoeic Society is a national/international organization promoting the study, discussion, and enjoyment of fantastic and mythopoeic literature through books and periodicals, annual conferences, discussion groups, awards, and more. We are especially interested in the works of J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, and Charles Williams, prominent members of the informal Oxford literary circle known as the “Inklings” (1930s-1950s). We are a non-profit organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, incorporated in California. We are an all-volunteer organization, so this is not a paid position, but the time commitment should not be too great. Consider this a resume-builder and a chance to support fantasy as a genre.

Please reply with a short letter and a resume of your skills to:

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