A scholarly, peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study of mythopoeic literature
A scholarly, peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study of mythopoeic literature
Mythlore 131 Volume 36, Issue 1
Fall/Winter 2017 (purchase below)
Table of Contents
Editorial— Janet Brennan Croft
Treasure in the Archives: A Celebration of Archival Collections
— Laura Schmidt
“Things That Were, and Things That Are, and Things That Yet May Be”: The J.R.R. Tolkien Manuscript Collection at Marquette University
— William M. Fliss
Into the Wild Woods: On the Significance of Trees and Forests in Fantasy Fiction
— Weronika Łaszkiewicz
“Countries of the Mind”: The Mundane, the Fantastic, and Reality in the Landscapes of Diana Wynne Jones’s Hexwood and Garth Nix’s Old Kingdom Series
— Brittani Ivan
“Morning Stars of a Setting World”: Alain de Lille’s De Planctu Naturæ and Tolkien’s Legendarium as Neo-Platonic Mythopoeia
— Christopher Vaccaro
“A Warp of Horror”: J.R.R. Tolkien’s Sub-creation of Evil
— Richard Angelo Bergen
“Your Mother Died to Save You”: The Influence of Mothers in Constructing Moral Frameworks for Violence in Harry Potter
— Margaret S. Mauk
J.R.R. Tolkien and the 1954 Nomination of E.M. Forster for the Nobel Prize in Literature
— Dennis Wilson Wise
Maleldil and Reader Response in C.S. Lewis’s Out of the Silent Planet
— Thomas Rand
Three Rings for the Elven-kings: Trilogizing Tolkien in Print and Film
— Robert T. Tally
Notes and Letters
- Hugo Dyson: An Update, David Bratman
- Robert E. Havard: A Closer Look at the “Medical Inkling,” Sarah O’Dell
- Memories of Clyde Kilby, Mike Foster
- A Note on a Name, Verlyn Flieger
- Letter to the Editor, J. Aleksandr Wootton
- Beren and Lúthien, Katherine Neville
- Tolkien’s Theology of Beauty, Phillip Irving Mitchell
- The Fantastic of the Fin de Siècle, Douglas A. Anderson
- Laughter in Middle-earth, Janet Brennan Croft
- Celtic Myth in Contemporary Children’s Fantasy, Glenn R. Gray
- From Peterborough to Faery, David L. Emerson
- The Ravenclaw Chronicles and Harry Potter for Nerds II, Jennifer W. Spirko
- Deeper Magic, Diane Joy Baker
- The Invention of Angela Carter, Dennis Wilson Wise
- Forgotten Leaves: Essays from a Smial, Cait Coker
- Tolkien Studies v.XIII, North Wind v.35, and VII v.33, Janet Brennan Croft
- Briefly Noted, Janet Brennan Croft, Mike Foster
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