A scholarly, peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study of mythopoeic literature

Mythlore 92 Volume 24, Issue 2     (purchase below)

Table of Contents

His Dark Materials: A Look into Pullman’s Interpretation of Milton’s Paradise Lost
--- Karen D. Robinson
A Note on Charles Williams’s Phillida
--- Joe R. Christopher
Lewis’s Screwtape Letters: The Ascetic Devil and the Aesthetic God
--- Larry D. Harwood
The Lord of the Rings as Elegy
--- Patrice Hannon
A Larger World: C.S. Lewis on Christianity and Literature
--- Donald T. Williams
“The Young Perish and the Old Linger, Withering”: J.R.R. Tolkien on World War II
--- Janet Brennan Croft
So Familiar, yet So Strange: Mythic Shadows of the Medieval Gawain Romance in Iris Murdoch’s Green Knight
--- Carla Arnell

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