A scholarly, peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study of mythopoeic literature
Mythlore 95/96 Volume 25, Issue 1-2 (purchase below)
Table of Contents
Editorial ---Janet Brennan Croft“In the Hilt is Fame”: Resonances of Medieval Swords and Sword-lore in J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings ---K.S. Whetter and R. Andrew McDonald
Myth Maker, Unicorn Maker: C.S. Lewis and the Reshaping of Medieval Thought ---Chad Wriglesworth
The Theory and Practice of Alliterative Verse in the Work of J.R.R. Tolkien ---Mark F. Hall
“Surely You Don't Disbelieve”: Tolkien and Pius X: Anti-Modernism in Middle-earth ---A.R. Bossert
The Shell-shocked Hobbit: The First World War and Tolkien’s Trauma of the Ring ---Michael Livingston
Lord Dunsany and the Great War: Don Rodriguez and the Rebirth of Romance ---David J. Carlson
Playing by the Rules: Kipling's ”Great Game” vs. “The Great Dance” in C.S. Lewis’s Space Trilogy ---Teresa Hooper
An Unexpected Guest ---Anne Amison
Dreaming of Dragons: Tolkien’s Impact on Heaney’s Beowulf ---Felicia Jean Steele
Wise Warriors in Tolkien, Lewis, and Rowling ---Ernelle Fife
From Isolation to Community: Frodo’s Incomplete Personal Quest in The Lord of the Rings ---Devin Brown
Bombadil’s Role in The Lord of the Rings ---Michael Treschow and Mark Duckworth
“Where is that Worthless Dreamer?” Bottom's Fantastic Redemption in Hoffman’s A Midsummer Night's Dream ---Frank P. Riga
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